__init__.py 2.6 KB

  1. import logging
  2. from datetime import datetime
  3. import pathlib
  4. import sys
  5. import os
  6. from pathlib import Path
  7. from pluggy import HookspecMarker, HookimplMarker, PluginManager
  8. hook_spec = HookspecMarker("baangt")
  9. hook_impl = HookimplMarker("baangt")
  10. plugin_manager = PluginManager("baangt")
  11. from baangt.hookSpecs import baangtHookSpec
  12. plugin_manager.add_hookspecs(baangtHookSpec)
  13. from baangt.base.TestRun.hookImpls import TestRunHookImpl
  14. from baangt.base.BrowserHandling.hookImpls import BrowserDriverHookImpl
  15. from baangt.base.Timing.hookImpls import TimingHookImpl
  16. from baangt.base.ExportResults.hookImpls import \
  17. (ExportResultsHookImpl, ExcelSheetHelperFunctionsHookImpl, ExportTimingHookImpl)
  18. plugin_manager.register(plugin=TestRunHookImpl())
  19. plugin_manager.register(plugin=BrowserDriverHookImpl())
  20. plugin_manager.register(plugin=TimingHookImpl())
  21. plugin_manager.register(plugin=ExportResultsHookImpl())
  22. plugin_manager.register(plugin=ExcelSheetHelperFunctionsHookImpl())
  23. plugin_manager.register(plugin=ExportTimingHookImpl())
  24. # fixme: Parameter für Logfile should include stage and browser()
  25. logFilename:pathlib.Path = Path(os.getcwd())
  26. logFilename = logFilename.joinpath('logs')
  27. pathlib.Path(logFilename).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
  28. logFilename = logFilename.joinpath(datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") + '.log')
  29. print(f"Logfile used: {logFilename}")
  30. # Bit more advanced logging
  31. logger = logging.getLogger('pyC')
  32. logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
  33. # create file handler which logs even debug messages
  34. fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(logFilename, encoding ="UTF-8")
  35. fileHandler.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG)
  36. # create console handler with a higher log level
  37. channelHandler = logging.StreamHandler()
  38. channelHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO)
  39. # create formatter and add it to the handlers
  40. formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s _ %(levelname)s _ %(module)s _ %(funcName)s : %(message)s')
  41. channelHandler.setFormatter(formatter)
  42. fileHandler.setFormatter(formatter)
  43. # add the handlers to logger
  44. logger.addHandler(channelHandler)
  45. logger.addHandler(fileHandler)
  46. # Some general debug info:
  47. logger.debug(f"Value of sys._MEIPASS {getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', 'None')}")
  48. logger.debug(f"Value of __file__: {__file__}")
  49. logger.debug(f"Value of sys.executable: {sys.executable}")
  50. logger.debug(f"Value of sys.argv[0]: {sys.argv[0]}")
  51. logger.debug(f"Value of sys.path: {sys.path}")
  52. logger.debug(f"Value of os.path: {os.path}")
  53. logger.debug(f"Value of os.getcwd(): {os.getcwd()}")
  54. logger.debug(f"Value of Path.cwd(): {Path.cwd()}")
  55. if hasattr(sys, 'frozen') and hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS'):
  56. logger.debug('running in a PyInstaller bundle')
  57. else:
  58. logger.debug('running in a normal Python process')