HistoryAndReasons.rst 3.1 KB

  1. Why ``baangt`` and why is it open source?
  2. =========================================
  3. ``baangt`` is a great product because it reduces pain on a daily basis. It's fast, simple and available as open-source.
  4. Fast, easy, free test automation can help people transform their lives. Literally! Think of all the testers, developers,
  5. DevOps, Project Managers and last but not least Users who are confronted with bugs on a daily basis. Not only new bugs.
  6. Bugs, that have been fixed countless times. Bugs in functionality, that worked yesterday but doesn't today. Nobody knows why,
  7. but now that it reached production we've to establish a task force, inform management, sales reps and maybe even customers.
  8. That's pain. And lost energy, that could have been used to create and improve instead of fixing an error and it's side
  9. effects in countless systems within the sytem landscape.
  10. Testing is undervalued. In parts because it's crazy expensive, tedious and slow. Enter ``baangt``. Enabling business users
  11. to actually record and create test cases and seamlessly run them on any environment (either by themselves or by their
  12. IT-Guys or both) helps to ensure rock-stable production environments.
  13. Depending on the environment ``baangt`` can also easily be used to test on Dev, Pre-Quality or Quality-Stages and thus
  14. considerably reduce the cost of bugs. The sooner they are cought, the less effort on all sides.
  15. Why open source?
  16. ----------------
  17. Also to reduce pain. When you work with existing suits - once you get seriously started - they own you. Imagine you've
  18. invested 1 Mio USD into creation of Test cases and then it turns out, that a critical feature to complete End2End-Chains
  19. is not available with your current license model of your software vendor. What will you do? Throw it all and restart? Or
  20. pay them almost any price for a potentially small feature that they anyway had in the drawer from the last customer?
  21. Right. Of course one needs to make a living. We all do. And of course efforts invested in ``baangt`` especially custom
  22. tailored functionality - are charged and are not cheap. BUT after all ``baangt`` is written in Python. There are millions
  23. of Developers out there who know and understand the language. Even if we'd get crazy with our pricing, you could always
  24. use the latest version of ``baangt``, create your own fork and have a small team of east-asian guys implement whatever
  25. it is you miss. No sunken costs, no restart, no disrupted testing while you have to move 1000s of Testcases to a new software.
  26. Built on the shoulders of giants
  27. --------------------------------
  28. Building ``baangt`` from the scratch would take years and cost millions. That it exists and that it works so versatile is
  29. due to other great, dedicated people who supplied the building blocks. Of course there's too many to mention but here's
  30. a list of the most valuable components of ``baangt``
  31. * Python3
  32. * Flask
  33. * PySimpleGui (again on the shoulders of giants like QT4/5 and Tkinter)
  34. * Requests-Module
  35. * BeautfiulSoup
  36. * Selenium
  37. * Mozilla Foundation (geckodriver, firefox)
  38. * PyCharm by JetBrains
  39. * Gogs GIT-Server