changelog.rst 5.6 KB

  1. Change log
  2. ==========
  3. 2020.04
  4. ^^^^^^^
  5. Summary:
  6. A huge step closer to release 1. Some minor functionalities still need fixing. May May be the release month!
  7. New features
  8. ++++++++++++
  9. * SimpleFormat: New command ``iban`` will create a random IBAN. Powered by Schwifty library.
  10. * SimpleFormat: New command ``pdfcompare`` compares a downloaded PDF-File with a reference PDF-File and reports differences. Works also well with parallel sessions.
  11. * All: Variable replacement using Faker module. For instance ``$(`` will generate a random E-Mail address
  12. * Appium integration for Android and iOS App tests using Appium Webdriver (see in /examples/App* and globalsApp.json)
  13. * Subclassing: New commands to identify stale objects on page (HTML-Reload and SPA-Support)
  14. * Additional way to export data to Excel-Result (can be used for results of scraping) GC.EXPORT_ADDITIONAL_DATA in
  15. TestRun.additionalExportTabs create one dict with <tabname>:<ExportDictContent>. Headers = Fieldnames.
  16. Changes
  17. +++++++
  18. * Improved browserDriver Download for executables (didn't work in some cases)
  19. * Improved database logging of testrun results
  20. 2020.03
  21. ^^^^^^^
  22. Summary: Release Candiate 3 is on the road!
  23. New features
  24. ++++++++++++
  25. * Executable files and ZIP-Archives for Mac, Windows and Ubuntu - no more GIT CLONE needed! Simply download, unzip and run.
  26. * Network logging during WEB-Sessions and export to Excel-Result in separate tab. Use ``TC.NetworkInfo`` with value ``True`` (tested on Mac and Windows, most probably works on Linux too).
  27. * baangtDB: Import and Export functionality for simpleFormat and complex XLSX-Testrun definitions.
  28. * baangtDB: Export also to JSON-Format
  29. * baangtDB: cascaded delete: Delete a test run and all it's objects (unless used in other test runs)
  30. * baangtDB: Update testrun from XLSX (closed circuit between IT-Department and business department)
  31. * Docs updated with latest parameters
  32. * SimpleFormat: ``pause`` command added
  33. * SimpleFormat: ``address_creation`` command added to create a random address. Customizable.
  34. Multiple calls will create multiple random addresses.
  35. * CLI: New parameter ``--reloadDrivers=True`` downloads latest version of webdrivers for Chrome and Firefox.
  36. * Integration with Selenium Grid V4.0 and baangt. See docs for further details. Separate Repository for the Dockerfile
  37. Bugfixes
  38. ++++++++
  39. * Reporting: Duration sometimes off by Timezone shift hours
  40. * Minor fixes for increased stability with Chrome-based browsers
  41. * Parallel executions on Windows work now, rewrote parallelism (local, without Selenium/Zalenium) completely to run with
  42. less resources. 10 parallel Firefox sessions on a single MacBook with 16 GB RAM works.
  43. 2020.02
  44. ^^^^^^^
  45. Summary: Web- and API-Tests XLSX-SimpleFormat are almost completed. Shouldn't take much longer to have a production ready version.
  46. * Pypi-Version 2020.02.* deployed
  47. * First version of baangtDB with Flask (including Docker Container). No DOCS yet, as it's still under heavy development. For an early preview you can navigate to ``/flask`` directory and execute ``./``
  48. * Support of Edge on Microsoft Platform and Safari on Apple/Mac
  49. * Completed support for Versions in SimpleFormat and SimpleAPIFormat (can also be used for ``baangtDB``, subclassed methods and complex Excel TestRun Defintions)
  50. * SimpleFormat now with default ``locatorType`` = ``xpath``. No breaking change. Just a tiny little convenience when filling in long Excel Testcase definitions.
  51. * Katalon Importer now creates proper data fields in data tab for simple format XLSX and refers proper variable (column) names in Teststep-Definition
  52. * Improved support for API-Calls and data extraction from API response to result sheet
  53. * Added logical comparison for IF-conditions, whether a field exists or not (using LocatorType and Locator). You can see an example in file ``BaangtDBFill.xlsx``
  54. * Plugin structure for TestRun, ExportResults and BrowserHandling implemented. Example in separate repository If you subclassed those classes, you need to adjust the import statements (e.g. ``from baangt.base.TestRun`` to ``baangt.base.TestRun.TestRun``)
  55. * Apart from exporting to XLSX it's now also possible to export testrun results to CSV. In simpleFormat you can set parameter ``TC.Export Format`` to the value ``CSV``. In baangtDB and full Excel format you can use Testrun property ``Export format``
  56. 2020.01
  57. ^^^^^^^
  58. Very first public beta version. Not at all ready for production.
  59. * First version on Pypi (, Docker ( and GIT Repository (
  60. * Support for SimpleExcel and Excel format including some examples
  61. * Basic UI (interactive mode) and CLI (Command Line Interface with 2 parameters)
  62. * Methods for Web testing implemented:
  63. * SetText(If)
  64. * Click(If)
  65. * GotoUrl
  66. * HandleIframe and Windows (Tabs)
  67. * If/Endif
  68. * GoBack
  69. * simple comparisons (=, >, <)
  70. * Full support for Excel Data files
  71. * Experimental support for Katalon Recorder Import to SimpleExcel format
  72. * Very basic support to Export from Katalon Studio Projects (as subclassed modules)
  73. * Logs
  74. * Export result of TestRun to XLS including statistics, Timing information and analysis
  75. * Docs created, styled, revisited and stored on
  76. * Runlog: Additionally to saving execution information in a single Excel sheet for each testrun, also store information in a database for simple comparison of testruns between stages, days, endpoints or whatever else you want to compare. In this version only data storage was implemented. No reporting yet.