Developer.rst.txt 1.5 KB

  1. Developer guidelines for custom enhancements
  2. ============================================
  3. ``baangt`` is already pretty versatile but from time to time you'll face a requirement, that simply can't be done without
  4. writing code. But that's not a bad thing - we like writing code after all, don't we?
  5. Subclassing
  6. ---------------------
  7. The main classes and functions should be more than OK for you. You'll just need to implement some central enhancements.
  8. For instance there's a requirement to check after each Browser-Interaction, whether a specific popup/message appeared.
  9. Don't be cruel and let the end-users duplicate the locator over and over again in their XLSX.
  10. Instead create a subclass of BrowserDriver
  11. ::
  12. from baangt.base.BrowserDriver import BrowserHandling
  13. class MyCustomBrowser(BrowserHandling)
  14. def findByAndClick(...)
  15. # Search for the element
  16. self.customSearchAndReact()
  17. def customSearchAndReact():
  18. if self.findBy(xpath, "specialThingForThisClient"):
  20. That's it. Business people will love you and whenever "specialThingForThisClient" changes, you'll have to adjust only
  21. in one place.
  22. After subclassing you'll need to replace the standard ``BrowserHandling`` with ``MyCustomBrowser`` in order for baangt
  23. to use it.
  24. Plugins
  25. -------
  26. Please make yourself familiar with in order to implement Plugins. If you're stuck let me know.