Results Browser =============== **Results Browser** is a `baangt` feature that allows to view the results of the completed TestRuns from the database. It comprises two modules: * ** -- the back-end module * ** -- the front-end module --------------- **_ResultsQuery.py_** implements the back-end of the *Results Browser* feature. Its main functionality includes the follow: * make queries to the database * return the query results as a `dict` object that is handy to show/visualize ### Queries * summary on a particular test run: * name * stage * execution date * number of all/successful/failed/paused test cases * test run duration * duration and execution status of the test cases within the test run * path to logfile * path to results file * summary on a set of test runs: * name * stage * execution date * test run duration * average test run duration (for sets defined by both name and stage) * average duration of the test cases within the TestRun (for sets defined by both name and stage) the variants of the sets: * all * filtered by name * filtered by stage * filtered by name and stage * all above within a certain time gap * test case status history of a TestRun executed on a certain stage (shows how often and which test case within a TestRun was executed OK (and when) and how often it failed) * test case duration history of a TestRun executed on a certain stage ----------------- **_ResultsBrowser.py_** implements the front-end (GUI) of the *Results Browser* feature. It extends the current `baangt` GUI with additional screen. ![Results Browser Screen](resultsbrowser.png "Results Browser Screen")