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Merge branch 'master' into results_browser

bernhardbuhl 3 years ago

+ 256 - 387

@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
-import csv
 import itertools
-import xlsxwriter
 import errno
 import os
 import logging
 import faker
-from random import sample, randint
+from random import choice
 import baangt.base.GlobalConstants as GC
 import re
-from openpyxl import load_workbook
 import sys
 import pandas as pd
 from CloneXls import CloneXls
@@ -17,33 +14,69 @@ import json
 logger = logging.getLogger("pyC")
-class Writer:
-    """
-    This class is made to update existing excel file.
-    First it will open the file in python and then we can do multiple writes and once everything is update we can use
-    save method in order to save the updated excel file. Hence, this class is very useful is saving time while updating
-    excel files.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        self.path = path
-        self.workbook = load_workbook(path)
-    def write(self, row, data, sht):
-        # Update the values using row and col number.
-        # Note :- We are using openpyxl so row & column index will start from 1 instead of 0
-        column = 0
-        sheet = self.workbook[sht]
-        headers = next(sheet.rows)
-        for header in headers:  # checks if usecount header is present in sheet
-            if "usecount" in str(header.value).lower():
-                column = headers.index(header) + 1
-        if column:
-            sheet.cell(row, column).value = data
-    def save(self):
-        # Call this method to save the file once every updates are written
-        self.workbook.close()
+class PrefixDataManager:
+    def __init__(self, dataList: list, prefix: str, tdg_object=None):
+        """
+        This class manages data list as per functionality of their prefix
+        :param dataList: List of data to be managed
+        :param prefix: RRE, RRD, FKR, RND are the prefixs managed by this class
+        :param tdg_object: TestDataGenerator object, only useful in RRE, RRD prefix to update usecount
+        """
+        self.dataList = dataList        # Iterable object to be managed
+        self.prefix = prefix            # Prefix data
+        self.tdg_object = tdg_object    # used to update usecount data, only for rre and rrd
+        self.process()
+    def process(self):
+        """
+        It processes the data list with respect to their prefix and save it in dataList attribute.
+        :return: 
+        """
+        if self.prefix.lower() == "rrd" or self.prefix.lower() == "rre":
+            self.dataList = [
+                data for data in self.dataList if not self.tdg_object.usecountDataRecords[repr(data)]["limit"] or \
+                self.tdg_object.usecountDataRecords[repr(data)]['use'] < self.tdg_object.usecountDataRecords[repr(data)]['limit']
+               ]    # removing data with reached use limit
+        elif self.prefix.lower() == "fkr":
+            fake = faker.Faker(self.dataList[1])               # Creating faker class object
+            fake_lis = []                                                       
+            if len(self.dataList) == 3:         # Checks if their is any predefined number of fake data to be generated
+                if int(self.dataList[2]) == 0:                 # if number of predefined data is 0 then we need to 
+                    fake_lis.append([fake, self.dataList[0]])  # generate new data for each call so the required info
+                    fake_lis = tuple(fake_lis)                 # is saved as tuple so program can distinguish
+                else:
+                    for x in range(int(self.dataList[2])):  # if greater than 0, list is created with defined number of data
+                        fake_lis.append(getattr(fake, self.dataList[0])())  # on every call random data is sent from list
+            else:
+                for x in range(5):          # if their is no predefined number of data than a list of 5 fake data
+                    fake_lis.append(getattr(fake, self.dataList[0])())  # is generated
+            self.dataList = fake_lis
+    def return_random(self):
+        """
+        It returns data as per their prefix
+        :return: 
+        """
+        if self.prefix == "rre" or self.prefix == "rrd":
+            if not len(self.dataList):
+                raise BaseException(f"Not enough data, please verify if data is present or usecount limit" \
+                                    "has reached!!")
+            data = choice(self.dataList)
+            self.tdg_object.usecountDataRecords[repr(data)]['use'] += 1  # updates usecount in TDG object
+            if self.tdg_object.usecountDataRecords[repr(data)]['limit'] and \
+                self.tdg_object.usecountDataRecords[repr(data)]['use'] >= self.tdg_object.usecountDataRecords[repr(data)]['limit']:
+                self.dataList.remove(data)  # checks usecount after using a data and removes if limit is reached
+            return data
+        elif self.prefix.lower() == "fkr":
+            if type(self.dataList) == tuple:  # if type is tuple then we need generate new data on every call
+                return getattr(self.dataList[0][0], self.dataList[0][1])()
+            return choice(self.dataList)  # else it is a list and we can send any random data from it
+        elif self.prefix == 'rnd':
+            return choice(self.dataList)
 class TestDataGenerator:
@@ -58,6 +91,8 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
     6. List of header    = ``[<title1>, <title2>, <title3>]``
     7. Faker Prefix      = ``FKR_(<type>, <locale>, <number_of_data>)``
     8. RRD Prefix        = ``RRD_(<sheetName>,<TargetData>,[<Header1>:[<Value1>],<Header2>:[<Value1>,<Value2>]])``
+    9. RRE Prefix        = ``RRE_(<fileName>,<sheetName>,<TargetData>,[<Header1>:[<Value1>],<Header2>:[<Value1>,<Value2>]])``
+    10. Renv Prefix      = ``RENV_(<environmentVariable>,<default>)
     :param rawExcelPath: Takes input path for xlsx file containing input data.
     :param sheetName: Name of sheet where all base data is located.
@@ -65,24 +100,20 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
     def __init__(self, rawExcelPath=GC.TESTDATAGENERATOR_INPUTFILE, sheetName="",
                  from_handleDatabase=False, noUpdate=True):
-        self.path = os.path.abspath(rawExcelPath)
+        self.fileNameAndPath = os.path.abspath(rawExcelPath)
         self.sheet_name = sheetName
-        if not os.path.isfile(self.path):
-            raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), self.path)
-        self.sheet_dict, self.raw_data_json = self.read_excel(self.path, self.sheet_name)
-        self.rre_sheets = {}
-        self.isUsecount = {}
-        self.remove_header = []
-        self.usecount_dict = {}  # used to maintain usecount limit record and verify if that non of the data cross limit
-        self.done = {}
+        if not os.path.isfile(self.fileNameAndPath):
+            raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), self.fileNameAndPath)
+        self.allDataFramesDict, self.mainDataFrame = self.read_excel(self.fileNameAndPath, self.sheet_name)
+        self.openedSheetsDataFrame = {}  # stores filenames which contains sheetname: sheetDataFrame
+        self.usecountHeaderName = {}   # contains filenames which contains sheetname: usecountHeaderName
+        self.usecountDataRecords = {}  # used to maintain usecount limit record and verify non of the data cross limit
+        self.rreRrdProcessedData = {}  # stores rre processed data with its criteria as key and used when same criteria
         self.noUpdateFiles = noUpdate
-        self.writers = {}
         if not from_handleDatabase:
-            self.processed_datas = self.__process_data(self.raw_data_json)
-            self.headers = [x for x in list(self.processed_datas[0].keys()) if x not in self.remove_header]
-            self.headers = [x for x in self.headers if 'usecount' not in x.lower()]
-            self.final_data = self.__generateFinalData(self.processed_datas)
-            if self.isUsecount:
+            self.processed_data = self.processDataFrame(self.mainDataFrame)
+            self.finalDataFrame = self.updatePrefixData(self.processed_data)
+            if self.usecountHeaderName:
                 if not self.noUpdateFiles:
                     self.save_usecount()  # saving source input file once everything is done
@@ -94,288 +125,83 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         :param outputfile: name and path of outputfile.
+        if batch_size > 0:
+            if len(self.finalDataFrame) > batch_size:
+                data_lis = self.finalDataFrame.sample(n=batch_size)
+            else:
+                data_lis = self.finalDataFrame
+                logger.debug("Total final data is smaller than batch size.")
+        else:
+            data_lis = self.finalDataFrame
         if OutputFormat.lower() == "xlsx":
             if outputfile == None:
                 outputfile = GC.TESTDATAGENERATOR_OUTPUTFILE_XLSX
-            self.__write_excel(batch_size=batch_size, outputfile=outputfile)
+            with pd.ExcelWriter(outputfile) as writer:
+                data_lis.to_excel(writer, index=False)
         elif OutputFormat.lower() == "csv":
             if outputfile == None:
                 outputfile = GC.TESTDATAGENERATOR_OUTPUTFILE_CSV
-            self.__write_csv(batch_size=batch_size, outputfile=outputfile)
-        else:
-            logger.debug("Incorrect file format")
+            data_lis.to_csv(outputfile)
-    def __write_excel(self, outputfile=GC.TESTDATAGENERATOR_OUTPUTFILE_XLSX, batch_size=0):
-        """
-        Writes TestData file with final processsed data.
-        :param outputfile: Name and path for output file.
-        :param batch_size: No. of data to be randomly selected and written in output file.
-        :return: None
-        """
-        if batch_size > 0:
-            if len(self.final_data) > batch_size:
-                data_lis = sample(self.final_data, batch_size)
-            else:
-                data_lis = self.final_data
-                logger.debug("Total final data is smaller than batch size.")
-        else:
-            data_lis = self.final_data
-        with xlsxwriter.Workbook(outputfile) as workbook:
-            worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
-            worksheet.write_row(0, 0, self.headers)
-            for row_num, data in enumerate(data_lis):
-                worksheet.write_row(row_num+1, 0, data)
-    def __write_csv(self, outputfile=GC.TESTDATAGENERATOR_OUTPUTFILE_CSV, batch_size=0):
-        """
-        Writes final data in csv
-        :param outputfile: Name and path of output file
-        :param batch_size: No. of data to be randomly selected and written in output file.
-        :return:
-        """
-        if batch_size > 0:
-            if len(self.final_data) > batch_size:
-                data_lis = sample(self.final_data, batch_size)
-            else:
-                data_lis = self.final_data
-            data_lis = self.final_data
-        with open(outputfile, 'w', newline='\n', encoding='utf-8-sig') as file:
-            fl = csv.writer(file)
-            fl.writerow(self.headers)
-            for dt in data_lis:
-                fl.writerow(list(dt))
+            logger.debug("Incorrect file format")
-    def __generateFinalData(self, processed_data):
+    def updatePrefixData(self, processed_data):
-        This method will do the final process on the processed_data. Processed_data contains list of dictionary, each
-        dictionary is the row from input file which are processed to be interact able in python as per the requirement.
-        First loop is of processed_data
-        Second loop is of the dictionary(row) and each key:value of that dictionary is header:processed_data
-        Method will first check the data type of value.
-        If it is a string than method will put it inside a list(i.e. ["string"])
-        If it is a tuple than it is a data with prefix so it will be sent to ``__prefix_data_processing`` method for
-        further processing.
-        Else the value is of type list.
-        Then we store all this lists in a list(can be treat as row). This list contains value of cells. They are evaluted
-        i.e. ranges are converted to list, strings are converted to list & list are all ready list. So to generate all
-        possible combinations from it we use ``iterable`` module.
-        Once this list of lists which contains all possible combinations is created we will call
-        ``__update_prefix_data_in_final_list`` method. This method will insert the processed prefix data along with the
-        data of all combinations list in the final list with the correct position of every value.
-        Finally it will return the list of lists which is completely processed and ready to be written in output file.
         :param processed_data:
         :return: Final_data_list
-        final_data = []
-        for lis in processed_data:
-            index = {}
-            data_lis = []
-            for key in lis:
-                if type(lis[key]) == str:
-                    data = [lis[key]]
-                elif type(lis[key]) == tuple:
-                    if len(lis[key]) > 0:
-                        self.__prefix_data_processing(lis, key, index)
-                        continue
+        for dic in processed_data:
+            for key in dic.copy():
+                if type(dic[key]) == PrefixDataManager:
+                    data = dic[key].return_random()
+                    if type(data) == dict:
+                        del dic[key]
+                        dic.update(data)
-                        data = ['']
-                else:
-                    data = lis[key]
-                data_lis.append(data)
-            datas = list(itertools.product(*data_lis))
-            self.__update_prefix_data_in_final_list(datas, index, final_data)
-"Total generated data = {len(final_data)}")
+                        dic[key] = data
+        final_data = pd.DataFrame(processed_data)
         return final_data
-    def __update_prefix_data_in_final_list(self, data_list, dictionary, final_list):
-        """
-        This method will insert the data from the dictionary to final_list. So further it can be written in the output.
-        ``data_list`` is the list where all possible combinations generated by the input lists and ranges are stored.
-        ``dictionary`` is where the data with prefix are stored with their index value(which will be used to place data)
-        ``final_list`` is the list where final data will be stored after merging values from data_list and dictionary
-        First it will iterate through data_list which is list of lists(Also you can take it as list of rows).
-        Second loop will go through dictionary and check the data type of each value. Pairings inside dictionary are of
-        ``index: value`` here index is the position from where this value was picked. So it will be used in placing the
-        data in their correct position.
-        List:
-        =====
-            If value is list then it is a data with ``FKR_`` prefix with number of data 0(i.e. create new fake data for
-            every output). So we will create the faker module instance as per the input and will generate fake data for
-            every row. And will insert them in the position of index(key of dictionary).
-        Dictionary:
-        ==========
-            If it is not of type list then we will check that if it is of type dict. If yes then this is a data with
-            "RRD_" prefix and we have to select the random data here. So we will start looping through this dictionary.
-            Remember this is the third loop. This dictionary contains header:value(TargetDatas from matched data) pair.
-            On every loop it will first check that if the same header is stored in done dictionary. If yes then it will
-            get value of it from done dictionary. Then it will create a list from the TargetData list. This new list
-            will contain only data which has same value for same header stored in done dictionary.
-            i.e. If matching Header has value x then from TargetDatas list only data where header=x will be
-            considered for random pick.
-            Then the random value is selected from that list.
-            If none of the header is processed before(for the same row). Then it will get random data from the list and
-            will store header: value pair in done dictionary so it is used in the checking process as above.
-            It will also check if the ``self.header`` list contains all the header which are in the random selected data.
-            If not then it will add the header there.
-            At last we will index the position of header inside self.headers list and will insert the value in same
-            position and append the row in final_data list.
-        Tuple:
-        ======
-            If the type is tuple then we need to simply pick a random value from it and insert it in the same position of
-            index(key of dictionary for current value).
-        :param data_list:
-        :param dictionary:
-        :param final_list:
-        :return: None
-        """
-        for data in data_list:
-            success = True  # if usecount data is present then this is used to keep track of it and not to add whole row in final
-            data = list(data)
-            done = {}
-            for ind in dictionary:
-                if type(dictionary[ind]) == list:
-                    fake = faker.Faker(dictionary[ind][2])
-                    data.insert(ind, getattr(fake, dictionary[ind][1])())
-                else:
-                    if type(dictionary[ind][0]) == dict:
-                        sorted_data = False
-                        for header in dictionary[ind][0]:
-                            if header in done:
-                                match = done[header]
-                                sorted_data = [x for x in dictionary[ind] if x[header] == match]
-                                break
-                        if not sorted_data:
-                            sorted_data = list(dictionary[ind])
-                        remove_data = []  # Used to remove data with reached limit of usecount
-                        for dtt in sorted_data:  # this loop will check if data has reached the usecount limit and remove
-                            if self.usecount_dict[repr(dtt)]['limit'] == 0:
-                                continue
-                            if not self.usecount_dict[repr(dtt)]['use'] < self.usecount_dict[repr(dtt)]['limit']:
-                                remove_data.append(dtt)
-                        for dtt in remove_data:  # removing data from main data list
-                            logger.debug(f"UseCount limit of {dtt} is exceeded : {str(self.usecount_dict[repr(dtt)]['limit'])}")
-                            sorted_data.remove(dtt)
-                        if len(sorted_data) == 0:  # if the current loop has reached usecount the we need not to add whole row in final output
-                            success = False
-                            break
-                        elif len(sorted_data) == 1:
-                            data_to_insert = sorted_data[0]
-                        else:
-                            data_to_insert = sorted_data[randint(0, len(sorted_data) - 1)]
-                        self.usecount_dict[repr(data_to_insert)]['use'] += 1
-                        for keys in data_to_insert:
-                            if "usecount" in keys.lower():  # removing usecount header from headers in final output
-                                self.update_usecount_in_source(data_to_insert)
-                                continue
-                            if keys not in self.headers:
-                                self.headers.append(keys)
-                            if keys not in done:
-                                data.insert(self.headers.index(keys), data_to_insert[keys])
-                                done[keys] = data_to_insert[keys]
-                    else:
-                        data_to_insert = dictionary[ind][randint(0, len(dictionary[ind]) - 1)]
-                        data.insert(ind, data_to_insert)
-            if success:
-                final_list.append(data)
-    def __prefix_data_processing(self, dic, key, dictionary: dict):
-        """
-        This method will process the datas with prefix.
-        ``dic`` the dictionary where all data which are in final process is stored
-        ``key`` the header of the current data which will be used now to call the data.
-        ``dictionary`` in which the values will be inserted after performing their process.
-        First it will check the first value of tuple.
-        If it is ``Faker`` then in will continue the process and will check the 4th value of tuple.
-        If the 4th value(which is used to determine the number of fake data to be generated and store inside a list)
-        is ``0`` then the method will store the values as it is in a list, because ``0`` value means we have to generate
-        new fake data for every output data, so it will be done later.
-        If it is greater than ``0`` then this method will create tuple with the given number of fake data and store it.
-        (If no number is given then default number is 5.)
-        If first value is not ``Faker`` then no process will be done.
-        Finally the data will be inserted in the dictionary.
-        :param dic:
-        :param key:
-        :param dictionary:
-        :return:
-        """
-        ltuple = dic[key]
-        if ltuple[0] == "Faker":
-            fake = faker.Faker(ltuple[2])
-            fake_lis = []
-            if len(ltuple) == 4:
-                if int(ltuple[3]) == 0:
-                    dictionary[list(dic.keys()).index(key)] = list(ltuple)
-                    return True
-                else:
-                    for x in range(int(ltuple[3])):
-                        fake_lis.append(getattr(fake, ltuple[1])())
-            else:
-                for x in range(5):
-                    fake_lis.append(getattr(fake, ltuple[1])())
-            dictionary[list(dic.keys()).index(key)] = tuple(fake_lis)
-            return True
-        else:
-            dictionary[list(dic.keys()).index(key)] = ltuple
-            return True
-    def __process_data(self, raw_json):
+    def processDataFrame(self, dataFrame):
         This method is used to Process all the raw unprocessed data read from the excel file.
-        It will first send the header to ``__data_generator`` so that if it is a list then it will get converted in
+        It will first send the header to ``__splitList`` so that if it is a list then it will get converted in
         individual header.
         Later it will process the values using ``__data_generator``.
-        It will then check returned iterable type, if it is a tuple that mean input value was with prefix, so, it will
-        further check if the tuple contains dict. If True than prefix was RRD_. In that case we will have to deal with
-        the original header of the input value. Because if the original value's header is not in the TargetData then this
-        header will contain no value in the output file and my cause errors too. So the header will added in
-        ``self.remove_header`` list which will be further used to remove it from main header list.
+        It will then check returned data type, and convert it into list if it is not already. Then from every row which
+        are dict contains value/values inside list it will use itertools to create all possible combination, now every
+        data in the value list is converted in a new row with value as string.
-        Finally it will return list of dictionarys. Each dictionary contains processed data of a row of input file.
-        Processed data are the raw data converted into python data type and iterables. Ranges are converted into list.
+        Finally it will return list of dictionary. Each dictionary contains processed data of a row of input file.
+        Processed data are the raw data converted into python data type and class. Ranges are converted into list.
-        :param raw_json:
+        :param dataFrame:
         processed_datas = []
-        raw_json = json.loads(raw_json.to_json(orient="records"))
-        for raw_data in raw_json:
+        json_df = json.loads(dataFrame.to_json(orient="records"))
+        for raw_data in json_df:
             if not list(raw_data.values())[0]:
             processed_data = {}
             for key in raw_data:
-                keys = self.data_generators(key)
+                keys = self.__splitList(key)
                 for ke in keys:
-                    processed_data[ke] = self.data_generators(raw_data[key])
-                    if type(processed_data[ke]) == tuple and len(processed_data[ke])>0:
-                        if type(processed_data[ke][0]) == dict:
-                            if ke not in processed_data[ke][0]:
-                                self.remove_header.append(ke)
-            processed_datas.append(processed_data)
+                    data = self.data_generators(raw_data[key])
+                    if type(data) != list:
+                        processed_data[ke] = [data]
+                    else:
+                        processed_data[ke] = data
+            product = list(self.product_dict(**processed_data))
+            processed_datas += product
         return processed_datas
     def data_generators(self, raw_data_old):
@@ -389,10 +215,10 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         Later according to the prefix of data and the data_type assigned it will convert them.
         Simple list and strings are converted in to ``list`` type.
-        Data with prefix will converted in to ``tuple`` type so further it will be helpful in distinguishing. Also it will
-        insert the prefix name in first value of tuple if the prefix is ``FKR_`` so it will be helpful in further process.
+        Data with prefix will be processed and the data list generated by them is used to create PrefixDataManager class
+        so later when we need to get the final data this class is used to get the data as per prefix and requirements.
-        Finally it will return the iterable for further process.
+        Finally it will return the data for further process.
         :param raw_data:
         :return: List or Tuple containing necessary data
@@ -400,68 +226,49 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         raw_data, prefix, data_type = self.__raw_data_string_process(raw_data_old)
         if len(raw_data)<=1:
             return [""]
-        if raw_data[0] == "[" and raw_data[-1] == "]" and prefix == "":
-            processed_datas = self.__splitList(raw_data)
-            processed_datas = data_type(processed_datas)
+        if prefix == "Rnd":
+            if "-" in raw_data:
+                raw_data = raw_data.split('-')
+                start = raw_data[0].strip()
+                end = raw_data[1].strip()
+                step = 1
+                if "," in end:
+                    raw_data = end.split(",")
+                    end = raw_data[0].strip()
+                    step = raw_data[1].strip()
+                processed_datas = [x for x in range(int(start), int(end) + 1, int(step))]
+            else:
+                processed_datas = self.__splitList(raw_data)
+            processed_datas = PrefixDataManager(processed_datas, 'rnd')
         elif prefix == "Faker":
-                processed_datas = [data.strip() for data in raw_data[1:-1].split(",")]
-                processed_datas.insert(0, "Faker")
-                processed_datas = data_type(processed_datas)
+                dataList = [data.strip() for data in raw_data[1:-1].split(",")]
+                processed_datas = PrefixDataManager(dataList, prefix="fkr")
         elif prefix == "Rrd":
-            first_value = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[0].strip()
-            second_value = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[1].strip()
-            if second_value[0] == "[":
-                second_value = ','.join(raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[1:]).strip()
-                second_value = second_value[:second_value.index(']')+1]
-                third_value = [x.strip() for x in ']'.join(raw_data[1:-1].split(']')[1:]).split(',')[1:]]
-            else:
-                third_value = [x.strip() for x in raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[2:]]
-            evaluated_list = ']],'.join(','.join(third_value)[1:-1].strip().split('],')).split('],')
-            if evaluated_list[0] == "":
-                evaluated_dict = {}
-            else:
-                evaluated_dict = {
-                    splited_data.split(':')[0]: self.__splitList(splited_data.split(':')[1])  for splited_data in evaluated_list
-                }
-            if second_value[0] == "[" and second_value[-1] == "]":
-                second_value = self.__splitList(second_value)
+            sheet_name, data_looking_for, data_to_match = self.extractDataFromRrd(raw_data)
-                processed_datas = self.__processRrdRre(first_value, second_value,evaluated_dict)
-                processed_datas = data_type(processed_datas)
+                dataList = self.__processRrdRre(sheet_name, data_looking_for, data_to_match)
+                processed_datas = PrefixDataManager(dataList, prefix='rrd', tdg_object=self)
             except KeyError:
                 sys.exit(f"Please check that source files contains all the headers mentioned in : {raw_data_old}")
         elif prefix == "Rre":
             file_name = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[0].strip()
-            first_value = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[1].strip()
-            second_value = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[2].strip()
-            if second_value[0] == "[":
-                second_value = ','.join(raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[2:]).strip()
-                second_value = second_value[:second_value.index(']')+1]
-                third_value = [x.strip() for x in ']'.join(raw_data[1:-1].split(']')[1:]).split(',')[1:]]
-            else:
-                third_value = [x.strip() for x in raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[3:]]
-            evaluated_list = ']],'.join(','.join(third_value)[1:-1].strip().split('],')).split('],')
-            if evaluated_list[0] == "":
-                evaluated_dict = {}
-            else:
-                evaluated_dict = {
-                    splited_data.split(':')[0]: self.__splitList(splited_data.split(':')[1])  for splited_data in evaluated_list
-                }
-            if second_value[0] == "[" and second_value[-1] == "]":
-                second_value = self.__splitList(second_value)
+            sheet_name, data_looking_for, data_to_match = self.extractDataFromRrd(raw_data, index=1)
-                processed_datas = self.__processRrdRre(first_value, second_value, evaluated_dict, filename=file_name)
-            except KeyError as e:
-                raise e
+                dataList = self.__processRrdRre(sheet_name, data_looking_for, data_to_match, filename=file_name)
+                processed_datas = PrefixDataManager(dataList, prefix="rre", tdg_object=self)
+            except KeyError:
                 sys.exit(f"Please check that source files contains all the headers mentioned in : {raw_data_old}")
-            processed_datas = data_type(processed_datas)
         elif prefix == "Renv":
             processed_datas = self.get_env_variable(raw_data)
+        elif raw_data[0] == "[" and raw_data[-1] == "]":
+            processed_datas = self.__splitList(raw_data)
         elif "-" in raw_data:
             raw_data_original = raw_data[:]
             raw_data = raw_data.split('-')
@@ -476,40 +283,65 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
                 processed_datas = [x for x in range(int(start), int(end)+1, int(step))]
                 processed_datas = [raw_data_original.strip()]
-            processed_datas = data_type(processed_datas)
-            processed_datas = [raw_data.strip()]
-            processed_datas = data_type(processed_datas)
+            processed_datas = raw_data.strip()
         return processed_datas
+    def extractDataFromRrd(self, raw_data, index=0):
+        """
+        Splits rrd/rre string and used them according to their position
+        :param raw_data:
+        :param index:
+        :return:
+        """
+        first_value = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[0+index].strip()
+        second_value = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[1+index].strip()
+        if second_value[0] == "[":
+            second_value = ','.join(raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[1+index:]).strip()
+            second_value = second_value[:second_value.index(']') + 1]
+            third_value = [x.strip() for x in ']'.join(raw_data[1:-1].split(']')[1:]).split(',')[1:]]
+        else:
+            third_value = [x.strip() for x in raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[2+index:]]
+        evaluated_list = ']],'.join(','.join(third_value)[1:-1].strip().split('],')).split('],')
+        if evaluated_list[0] == "":
+            evaluated_dict = {}
+        else:
+            evaluated_dict = {
+                splited_data.split(':')[0]: self.__splitList(splited_data.split(':')[1]) for splited_data in
+                evaluated_list
+            }
+        if second_value[0] == "[" and second_value[-1] == "]":
+            second_value = self.__splitList(second_value)
+        return first_value, second_value, evaluated_dict
     def __processRrdRre(self, sheet_name, data_looking_for, data_to_match: dict, filename=None):
-        if filename:
-            filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.path), filename)
+        if filename:  # if filename than it is an rre file so we have to use filename instead of base file
+            filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.fileNameAndPath), filename)
             if not self.noUpdateFiles:
                 file_name = ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1])
                 file_extension = filename.split(".")[-1]
                 file = file_name + "_baangt" + "." + file_extension
                 file = filename
-            if not file in self.rre_sheets:
+            if not file in self.openedSheetsDataFrame:
                 logger.debug(f"Creating clone file of: {filename}")
                 if not self.noUpdateFiles:
                     filename = CloneXls(filename).update_or_make_clone()
-                self.rre_sheets[filename] = {}
+                self.openedSheetsDataFrame[filename] = {}
             filename = file
-            if sheet_name in self.rre_sheets[filename]:
-                df = self.rre_sheets[filename][sheet_name]
+            if sheet_name in self.openedSheetsDataFrame[filename]:
+                df = self.openedSheetsDataFrame[filename][sheet_name]
                 df = pd.read_excel(filename, sheet_name, dtype=str)
                 df.fillna("", inplace=True)
-                self.rre_sheets[filename][sheet_name] = df
+                self.openedSheetsDataFrame[filename][sheet_name] = df
-            df = self.sheet_dict[sheet_name]
-            if not self.path in self.rre_sheets:
-                self.rre_sheets[self.path] = {}
-            if not sheet_name in self.rre_sheets[self.path]:
-                self.rre_sheets[self.path][sheet_name] = df
+            df = self.allDataFramesDict[sheet_name]
+            if not self.fileNameAndPath in self.openedSheetsDataFrame:
+                self.openedSheetsDataFrame[self.fileNameAndPath] = {}
+            if not sheet_name in self.openedSheetsDataFrame[self.fileNameAndPath]:
+                self.openedSheetsDataFrame[self.fileNameAndPath][sheet_name] = df
         df1 = df.copy()
         for key, value in data_to_match.items():
             if not isinstance(value, list):
@@ -520,9 +352,7 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         if type(data_looking_for) == str:
             data_looking_for = data_looking_for.split(",")
         data_new_header = {}
-        data_looking_for_old = data_looking_for[:]
-        data_looking_for = []
-        for header in data_looking_for_old:
+        for header in data_looking_for:
             if ":" in header:
                 old_header = header.split(":")[0].strip()
                 new_header = header.split(":")[1].strip()
@@ -530,24 +360,23 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
                 old_header = header
                 new_header = header
             data_new_header[old_header] = new_header
-            data_looking_for.append(header)
         key_name = repr(sheet_name) + repr(data_looking_for) + repr(data_to_match) + repr(filename)
-        if key_name in self.done:
+        if key_name in self.rreRrdProcessedData:
             logger.debug(f"Data Gathered from previously saved data.")
-            return self.done[key_name]
+            return self.rreRrdProcessedData[key_name]
         usecount, limit, usecount_header = self.check_usecount(df.columns.values.tolist())
         if not filename:
-            if self.path not in self.isUsecount:
-                self.isUsecount[self.path] = usecount_header
-            if not self.isUsecount[self.path]:
-                self.isUsecount[self.path] = usecount_header
+            if self.fileNameAndPath not in self.usecountHeaderName:
+                self.usecountHeaderName[self.fileNameAndPath] = {}
+            if sheet_name not in self.usecountHeaderName[self.fileNameAndPath] and usecount_header:
+                self.usecountHeaderName[self.fileNameAndPath][sheet_name] = usecount_header
-            if filename not in self.isUsecount:
-                self.isUsecount[filename] = usecount_header
-            if not self.isUsecount[filename]:
-                self.isUsecount[filename] = usecount_header
+            if filename not in self.usecountHeaderName:
+                self.usecountHeaderName[filename] = {}
+            if sheet_name not in self.usecountHeaderName[filename]:
+                self.usecountHeaderName[filename][sheet_name] = usecount_header
         df1_dict = df1.to_dict(orient="index")
         for index in df1_dict:
             data = df1_dict[index]
@@ -560,15 +389,17 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
                 used_limit = 0
             if data_looking_for[0] == "*":
+                if usecount_header:
+                    del data[usecount_header]
-                self.usecount_dict[repr(data)] = {
+                self.usecountDataRecords[repr(data)] = {
                     "use": used_limit, "limit": limit, "index": index,
                     "sheet_name": sheet_name, "file_name": filename
-                dt = {header: data[keys] for (keys, header) in zip(data_looking_for, data_looking_for_old)}
+                dt = {data_new_header[header]: data[header] for header in data_new_header}
-                self.usecount_dict[repr(dt)] = {
+                self.usecountDataRecords[repr(dt)] = {
                     "use": used_limit, "limit": limit, "index": index,
                     "sheet_name": sheet_name, "file_name": filename
@@ -577,8 +408,7 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
   "No data matching: {data_to_match}")
             sys.exit(f"No data matching: {data_to_match}")
         logger.debug(f"New Data Gathered.")
-        self.done[key_name] = data_lis
+        self.rreRrdProcessedData[key_name] = data_lis
         return data_lis
     def __raw_data_string_process(self, raw_string):
@@ -606,7 +436,8 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         prefix = ""
         if len(raw_string)>4:
             if raw_string[3] == "_":
-                if raw_string[:4].lower() == "rnd_":           # Random
+                if raw_string[:4].lower() == "rnd_":
+                    prefix = "Rnd"
                     raw_string = raw_string[4:]
                     data_type = tuple
                 elif raw_string[:4].lower() == "fkr_":
@@ -635,6 +466,12 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         return raw_string, prefix, data_type
     def get_str_sheet(self, excel, sheet):
+        """
+        Returns dataFrame with all data treated as string
+        :param excel:
+        :param sheet:
+        :return:
+        """
         columns = excel.parse(sheet).columns
         converters = {column: str for column in columns}
         data = excel.parse(sheet, converters=converters)
@@ -681,7 +518,11 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         :param raw_data: string of list
         :return: Python list
-        proccesed_datas = [data.strip() for data in raw_data[1:-1].split(",")]
+        if raw_data[0] == "[" and raw_data[-1] == "]":
+            data = raw_data[1:-1]
+        else:
+            data = raw_data
+        proccesed_datas = [data.strip() for data in data.split(",")]
         return proccesed_datas
     def check_usecount(self, data):
@@ -701,11 +542,15 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         return usecount, limit, usecount_header
     def save_usecount(self):
+        """
+        Saves the excel file in which have usecount to be updated
+        :return:
+        """
         if self.noUpdateFiles:
-        for filename in self.isUsecount:
+        for filename in self.usecountHeaderName:
             logger.debug(f"Updating file {filename} with usecounts.")
-            sheet_dict = self.rre_sheets[filename]
+            sheet_dict = self.openedSheetsDataFrame[filename]
             ex = pd.ExcelFile(filename)
             for sheet in ex.sheet_names:
                 if sheet in sheet_dict:
@@ -719,17 +564,25 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
             logger.debug(f"File updated {filename}.")
     def update_usecount_in_source(self, data):
+        """
+        Updates usecount in the dataframe in correct position. These function only updates not save the file.
+        :param data:
+        :return:
+        """
         if self.noUpdateFiles:
-        filename = self.usecount_dict[repr(data)]["file_name"]
+        filename = self.usecountDataRecords[repr(data)]["file_name"]
+        sheetName = self.usecountDataRecords[repr(data)]["sheet_name"]
         if not filename:
-            filename = self.path
-        if filename not in self.isUsecount:
+            filename = self.fileNameAndPath
+        if filename not in self.usecountHeaderName:
-        if not self.isUsecount[filename]:
+        elif sheetName not in self.usecountHeaderName[filename]:
-        self.rre_sheets[filename][self.usecount_dict[repr(data)]["sheet_name"]][
-            self.isUsecount[filename]][self.usecount_dict[repr(data)]["index"]] = self.usecount_dict[repr(data)]["use"]
+        if not self.usecountHeaderName[filename][sheetName]:
+            return
+        self.openedSheetsDataFrame[filename][sheetName][self.usecountHeaderName[filename][sheetName]][
+            self.usecountDataRecords[repr(data)]["index"]] = self.usecountDataRecords[repr(data)]["use"]
     def __process_rrd_string(self, rrd_string):
@@ -783,6 +636,11 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
     def get_env_variable(string):
+        """
+        Returns environment variable or the default value predefined.
+        :param string:
+        :return:
+        """
         variable = string[1:-1].strip().split(',')[0].strip()
         data = os.environ.get(variable)
@@ -793,6 +651,17 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
             raise BaseException(f"Can't find {variable} in envrionment & default value is also not set")
         return data
+    @staticmethod
+    def product_dict(**kwargs):
+        """
+        :param kwargs: Dictionary containing values in a list
+        :return: yield dictionaries with individual value in dictionary from value list
+        """
+        keys = kwargs.keys()
+        vals = kwargs.values()
+        for instance in itertools.product(*vals):
+            yield dict(zip(keys, instance))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     lTestDataGenerator = TestDataGenerator("../../tests/0TestInput/RawTestData.xlsx")

+ 6 - 11

@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class HandleDatabase:
                 if str(temp_dic[keys])[:4].upper() == "RRD_":
                     logger.debug(f"Processing rrd data - {temp_dic[keys]}")
                     rrd_data = self.get_data_from_tdg(temp_dic[keys])
-                    self.testDataGenerator.usecount_dict[repr(rrd_data)]["use"] += 1
+                    self.testDataGenerator.usecountDataRecords[repr(rrd_data)]["use"] += 1
                     for data in rrd_data:
                         new_data_dic[data] = rrd_data[data]
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class HandleDatabase:
                 elif str(temp_dic[keys])[:4].upper() == "RRE_":
                     logger.debug(f"Processing rre data - {temp_dic[keys]}")
                     rre_data = self.get_data_from_tdg(temp_dic[keys])
-                    self.testDataGenerator.usecount_dict[repr(rre_data)]["use"] += 1
+                    self.testDataGenerator.usecountDataRecords[repr(rre_data)]["use"] += 1
                     for data in rre_data:
                         new_data_dic[data] = rre_data[data]
@@ -214,15 +214,10 @@ class HandleDatabase:
     def get_data_from_tdg(self, string):
         data = self.testDataGenerator.data_generators(string)
-        if self.testDataGenerator.usecount_dict[repr(data[0])]["limit"]:
-            data = [d for d in data if self.testDataGenerator.usecount_dict[repr(d)]["use"
-                                                                ] < self.testDataGenerator.usecount_dict[repr(d)]["limit"]]
-        if len(data) > 1:
-            data = data[randint(0, len(data) - 1)]
-        elif len(data) == 1:
-            data = data[0]
-        else:
-            raise BaseException(f"Not enough data for {string}, please verify if data is present or usecount limit" \
+        try:
+            data = data.return_random()
+        except BaseException:
+            raise BaseException(f"Not enough data {string}, please verify if data is present or usecount limit" \
                                 "has reached!!")
         return data

+ 4 - 1

@@ -84,11 +84,14 @@ We will use the reference of above image and assigned number to learn about it i
      Now this will generate new email for every data in the output.
   9. ``RRD_`` is used when we have multiple sheets in a input file and we need to take value which are matching conditions
      from that sheet.
-     Format:- ``RRD_(<sheetName>,<TargetData>,[Header1:[Value1],Header2:[Value1,Value2]])``
+     Format:- ``RRD_(<sheetName>,<TargetData>,[Header1:[Value1],Header2:[Value1,Value2]])`` or
+              ``RRD_(<sheetName>,<TargetData>:<HeaderName>,[Header1:[Value1],Header2:[Value1,Value2]])``
      Here sheetName is the name of the sheet where our TargetData is located. A dictionary of TargetData is generated with all
      the data which are matching from our Header: Value pair. A header with multiple value list is than converted to all
      possible value as mentioned in above explanation. At last a random value is selected from TargetData dictionary for every
      output data.
+     If TargetData:HeaderName then the header of the targetdata from the target file will be replaced with HeaderName in
+        the output file. Same applies in ``RRE_`` prefix.
      If TargetData = ``*`` then all the values of the matched row will be treated as TargetData.
      If Header:Value List = ``[]`` then the defined TargetData will be collected from every row of the defined sheet.


+ 6 - 18

@@ -87,8 +87,6 @@ def test_rrd_simple_input():
         'Customers', 'Customer', {'Age group': ['30s', '40s'], 'Employment_status': ['employed']}
     assert len(rrd_output_dict) > 0
-    for data in rrd_output_dict:
-        print(data)
 def test_rrd_target_data_all():
@@ -97,45 +95,35 @@ def test_rrd_target_data_all():
         'Customers', '*', {'Age group': ['30s', '40s'], 'Employment_status': ['employed']}
     assert len(rrd_output_dict) > 0
-    for data in rrd_output_dict:
-        print(data)
 def test_rrd_no_data_to_match():
     # Checks __processRrd to get dict to for all data of when no value of matching is given
     rrd_output_dict = testDataGenerator._TestDataGenerator__processRrdRre('PaymentTerms', '*', {})
     assert len(rrd_output_dict) > 0
-    for data in rrd_output_dict:
-        print(data)
 def test_rre_simple_input():
     # Checks __processRrd to get dict to target data
     rrd_output_dict = testDataGenerator.data_generators(
-        "RRE_[examples/CompleteBaangtWebdemo.xlsx,CustomerData,[NameFirst,NameLast],[Stage:[Test]]]"
+        "RRE_[../../examples/CompleteBaangtWebdemo.xlsx,CustomerData,[NameFirst,NameLast],[Stage:[Test]]]"
-    assert len(rrd_output_dict) == 5
-    for data in rrd_output_dict:
-        print(data)
+    assert len(rrd_output_dict.dataList) == 5
 def test_rre_target_data_all():
     # Checks __processRrd to get dict to for all data of matching values
     rrd_output_dict = testDataGenerator.data_generators(
-        "RRE_[examples/CompleteBaangtWebdemo.xlsx,CustomerData,*,[Stage:[Test]]]"
+        "RRE_[../../examples/CompleteBaangtWebdemo.xlsx,CustomerData,*,[Stage:[Test]]]"
-    assert len(rrd_output_dict) == 5
-    for data in rrd_output_dict:
-        print(data)
+    assert len(rrd_output_dict.dataList) == 5
 def test_rre_no_data_to_match():
     # Checks __processRrd to get dict to for all data of when no value of matching is given
     rrd_output_dict = testDataGenerator.data_generators(
-        "RRE_[examples/CompleteBaangtWebdemo.xlsx,CustomerData,*,[]"
+        "RRE_[../../examples/CompleteBaangtWebdemo.xlsx,CustomerData,*,[]"
-    assert len(rrd_output_dict) == 10
-    for data in rrd_output_dict:
-        print(data)
+    assert len(rrd_output_dict.dataList) == 10
 def test_renv():

+ 1 - 1

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def testStepMaster():
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("lComparison, value1, value2",[("=", True, True), ("=", "True", "None"), ("!=", True, True),
     ("!=", True, "None"), (">", 1, 2), (">", 2, 1), ("<", 1, 2), ("<", 2, 1), (">=", 1, 2), (">=", 2, 1), ("<=", 1, 2),
-    ("<=", 2, 1), ("!!", True, True), (None, True, True)])
+    ("<=", 2, 1), ("!!", True, True), ("", True, True)])
 def test_doComparison(lComparison, value1, value2, testStepMaster):
     if lComparison != "!!":
         result = testStepMaster._TestStepMaster__doComparisons(lComparison, value1, value2)