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Globals RENV_ prefix support, Assert changed to exception, documents updated

Akash Singh 3 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
                 data = string[1:-1].strip().split(',')[1].strip()
       "{variable} not found in environment, using {data} instead")
-            assert 1 == 0, f"Can't find {variable} in envrionment & default value is also not set"
+            raise BaseException(f"Can't find {variable} in envrionment & default value is also not set")
         return data

+ 6 - 1

@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from uuid import uuid4
 from baangt.base.RuntimeStatistics import Statistic
 from baangt.base.SendReports import Sender
 import signal
+from baangt.TestDataGenerator.TestDataGenerator import TestDataGenerator
 logger = logging.getLogger("pyC")
@@ -322,13 +323,17 @@ class TestRun:
             if isinstance(value, str):
                 if value.lower() in ("false", "true", "no", "x"):
                     self.globalSettings[key] = utils.anything2Boolean(value)
+                elif "renv_" in value.lower():
+                    self.globalSettings[key] = TestDataGenerator.get_env_variable(value[5:])
             if isinstance(value, dict):
                 if "default" in value:
                     # This happens in the new UI, if a value was added manually,
                     # but is not part of the globalSetting.json. In this case there's the whole shebang in a dict. We
                     # are only interested in the actual value, which is stored in "default":
                     self.globalSettings[key] = value["default"]
+                    if isinstance(self.globalSettings[key], str):
+                        if "renv_" in self.globalSettings[key].lower():
+                            self.globalSettings[key] = TestDataGenerator.get_env_variable(self.globalSettings[key][5:])
                     # This could be the "old" way of the globals-file (with {"HEADLESS":"True"})


+ 16 - 4

@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ This image is an example input file. Different types of data types supported are
   8. ``FKR_`` prefix is used here with a new integer value 0 in end.
   9. ``RRD_`` prefix is used here.
   10. ``RRE_`` prefix is used here.
+  11. ``RENV_`` prefix is used here.
 Using these data type we will generate all possible values.
 Here is a simple example with simple value and value of list.
@@ -100,9 +101,19 @@ We will use the reference of above image and assigned number to learn about it i
      i.e. First ``RRD_`` cell has value "x" for the header while selected randomly, then the second cell will select data
      randomly only from the rows which have "x" value for the same header.
   10. ``RRE_`` is same as ``RRD_`` only change is that in rrd we take data from same file and different sheet but, in
-     this ``RRE_`` prefix we can take data from another file. The only change in its structure is that filename comes
-     before sheetname.
-     i.e. ``RRE_[fileName,sheetName,Targetdata,[key:value]]``
+      this ``RRE_`` prefix we can take data from another file. The only change in its structure is that filename comes
+      before sheetname.
+      i.e. ``RRE_[fileName,sheetName,Targetdata,[key:value]]``
+  11. ``RENV_`` prefix is used to get environment varaible from your system. Their might be sometimes when you don't
+      want to input sensitive data like password, username, etc. directly inside TestRun file or Globals file, at that
+      time this prefix will be very useful and it will get the data from your system environment.
+      Its structure is ``RENV_(<env_variable>,<default>)`` here "<env_variable>" holds the place of variable name which
+      contains data and "<default>" holds the default value which is used in case given variable is not present in
+      environment. If "<default>" value is not supplied and given variable is also not present in environment then
+      it will raise an error.
+      e.g.- ``RENV(USERNAME, My_Pc)``
+      Here it will first look for "USERNAME" variable in environment, if it is not present then it will use "My_Pc"
 All Data Types Format
@@ -116,4 +127,5 @@ All Data Types Format
 6. List of header    = ``[<title1>, <title2>, <title3>]``
 7. Faker Prefix      = ``FKR_(<type>, <locale>, <number_of_data>)``
 8. RRD Prefix        = ``RRD_(<sheetName>,<TargetData>,[<Header1>:[<Value1>],<Header2>:[<Value1>,<Value2>]])``
-9. RRE Prefix        = ``RRE_(<fileName>,<sheetName>,<TargetData>,[<Header1>:[<Value1>],<Header2>:[<Value1>,<Value2>]])``
+9. RRE Prefix        = ``RRE_(<fileName>,<sheetName>,<TargetData>,[<Header1>:[<Value1>],<Header2>:[<Value1>,<Value2>]])``
+10. RENV Prefix      = ``RENV_(<env_variable>,<default>)``