Browse Source refactored

Akash Singh 3 years ago
1 changed files with 151 additions and 104 deletions
  1. 151 104

+ 151 - 104

@@ -232,141 +232,188 @@ class TestStepMaster:
         if not TestStepMaster.ifQualifyForExecution(self.globalRelease, lRelease):
             logger.debug(f"we skipped this line due to {lRelease} disqualifies according to {self.globalRelease} ")
-        if lActivity == "GOTOURL":
-            if lValue:
-                self.browserSession.goToUrl(lValue)
-            elif lLocator:
-                self.browserSession.goToUrl(lLocator)
-            else:
-                logger.critical("GotoURL without URL called. Aborting. "
-                                "Please provide URL either in Value or Locator columns")
-        elif lActivity == "SETTEXT":
-            self.browserSession.findByAndSetText(xpath=xpath, css=css, id=id, value=lValue, timeout=lTimeout,
-                                                 optional=lOptional)
-        elif lActivity == "SETTEXTIF":
-            self.browserSession.findByAndSetTextIf(xpath=xpath, css=css, id=id, value=lValue, timeout=lTimeout,
-                                                   optional=lOptional)
-        elif lActivity == "FORCETEXT":
-            self.browserSession.findByAndForceText(xpath=xpath, css=css, id=id, value=lValue, timeout=lTimeout,
-                                                   optional=lOptional)
-        elif lActivity == "FORCETEXTIF":
-            if lValue:
-                self.browserSession.findByAndForceText(xpath=xpath, css=css, id=id, value=lValue, timeout=lTimeout,
-                                                       optional=lOptional)
-        elif lActivity == "FORCETEXTJS":
-            if lValue:
-                self.browserSession.findByAndForceViaJS(xpath=xpath, css=css, id=id, value=lValue, timeout=lTimeout,
-                                                        optional=lOptional)
-        elif lActivity == "SETANCHOR":
-            if not lLocator:
+        if lActivity[0:3] == "ZZ_":
+            # custom command. Do nothing and return
+            return
+        elif lActivity.lower() == "if":
+            lActivity = "if_"
+        elif lActivity.lower() == "else":
+            lActivity = "else_"
+        elif lActivity.lower() == "assert":
+            lActivity = "assert_"
+        try:
+            kwargs = locals()
+            del kwargs["self"]
+            getattr(self, lActivity.lower())(**kwargs)
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise BaseException(f"Unknown command in TestStep {lActivity}")
+        self.timing.takeTime(lTimingString)
+    def gotourl(self, **kwargs):
+        if kwargs["lValue"]:
+            self.browserSession.goToUrl(kwargs["lValue"])
+        elif kwargs["lLocator"]:
+            self.browserSession.goToUrl(kwargs["lLocator"])
+        else:
+            logger.critical("GotoURL without URL called. Aborting. "
+                            "Please provide URL either in Value or Locator columns")
+    def settext(self, **kwargs):
+            self.browserSession.findByAndSetText(xpath=kwargs["xpath"], css=kwargs["css"], id=kwargs["id"], value=kwargs["lValue"],
+                                                 timeout=kwargs["lTimeout"], optional=kwargs["lOptional"])
+    def settextif(self, **kwargs):
+            self.browserSession.findByAndSetTextIf(xpath=kwargs["xpath"], css=kwargs["css"], id=kwargs["id"], value=kwargs["lValue"],
+                                                   timeout=kwargs["lTimeout"], optional=kwargs["lOptional"])
+    def forcetext(self, **kwargs):
+            self.browserSession.findByAndForceText(xpath=kwargs["xpath"], css=kwargs["css"], id=kwargs["id"], value=kwargs["lValue"],
+                                                   timeout=kwargs["lTimeout"], optional=kwargs["lOptional"])
+    def forcetextif(self, **kwargs):
+            if kwargs["lValue"]:
+                self.browserSession.findByAndForceText(xpath=kwargs["xpath"], css=kwargs["css"], id=kwargs["id"], value=kwargs["lValue"],
+                                                       timeout=kwargs["lTimeout"], optional=kwargs["lOptional"])
+    def forcetextjs(self, **kwargs):
+            if kwargs["lValue"]:
+                self.browserSession.findByAndForceViaJS(xpath=kwargs["xpath"], css=kwargs["css"], id=kwargs["id"], value=kwargs["lValue"],
+                                                        timeout=kwargs["lTimeout"], optional=kwargs["lOptional"])
+    def setanchor(self, **kwargs):
+            if not kwargs["lLocator"]:
                 self.anchor = None
                 self.anchorLocator = None
                 self.anchorLocatorType = None
-                found = self.browserSession.findBy(xpath=xpath, css=css, id=id, timeout=lTimeout)
+                found = self.browserSession.findBy(xpath=kwargs["xpath"], css=kwargs["css"], id=kwargs["id"], timeout=kwargs["lTimeout"])
                 if found:
                     self.anchor = self.browserSession.element
-                    self.anchorLocator = lLocator
-                    self.anchorLocatorType = lLocatorType
-                    logger.debug(f"Anchor set: {lLocatorType} {lLocator}")
+                    self.anchorLocator = kwargs["lLocator"]
+                    self.anchorLocatorType = kwargs["lLocatorType"]
+                    logger.debug(f'Anchor set: {kwargs["lLocatorType"]} {kwargs["lLocator"]}')
-                    logger.error(f"Anchor should be set, but can't be found in the current page: {lLocatorType}, {lLocator}")
-                    raise ValueError(f"Anchor should be set, but can't be found in the current page: {lLocatorType}, {lLocator}")
-        elif lActivity == 'HANDLEIFRAME':
-            self.browserSession.handleIframe(lLocator)
-        elif lActivity == 'SWITCHWINDOW':
-            lWindow = lValue
+                    logger.error(f'Anchor should be set, but can\'t be found in the current page: {kwargs["lLocatorType"]}, {kwargs["lLocator"]}')
+                    raise ValueError(f'Anchor should be set, but can\'t be found in the current page: {kwargs["lLocatorType"]}, {kwargs["lLocator"]}')
+    def handleiframe(self, **kwargs):
+            self.browserSession.handleIframe(kwargs["lLocator"])
+    def switchwindow(self, **kwargs):
+            lWindow = kwargs["lValue"]
             if lWindow.isnumeric():
                 lWindow = int(lWindow)
-            self.browserSession.handleWindow(windowNumber=lWindow, timeout=lTimeout)
-        elif lActivity == "CLICK":
-            self.browserSession.findByAndClick(xpath=xpath, css=css, id=id, timeout=lTimeout, optional=lOptional)
-        elif lActivity == "CLICKIF":
-            self.browserSession.findByAndClickIf(xpath=xpath, css=css, id=id, timeout=lTimeout, value=lValue,
-                                                 optional=lOptional)
-        elif lActivity == "PAUSE":
-            self.browserSession.sleep(seconds=float(lValue))
-        elif lActivity == "IF":
+            self.browserSession.handleWindow(windowNumber=lWindow, timeout=kwargs["lTimeout"])
+    def click(self, **kwargs):
+            self.browserSession.findByAndClick(xpath=kwargs["xpath"], css=kwargs["css"], id=kwargs["id"], 
+                                               timeout=kwargs["lTimeout"], optional=kwargs["lOptional"])
+    def clickif(self, **kwargs):
+            self.browserSession.findByAndClickIf(xpath=kwargs["xpath"], css=kwargs["css"], id=kwargs["id"], 
+                                    timeout=kwargs["lTimeout"], value=kwargs["lValue"], optional=kwargs["lOptional"])
+    def pause(self, **kwargs):
+            self.browserSession.sleep(seconds=float(kwargs["lValue"]))
+    def if_(self, **kwargs):
             # Originally we had only Comparisons. Now we also want to check for existance of Field
-            if not lValue and lLocatorType and lLocator:
-                lValue = self.browserSession.findBy(xpath=xpath, css=css, id=id, optional=lOptional,
-                                                    timeout=lTimeout)
-            self.__doComparisons(lComparison=lComparison, value1=lValue, value2=lValue2)
-            logger.debug(f"IF-condition original Value: {original_value} (transformed: {lValue}) {lComparison} {lValue2} "
-                         f"evaluated to: {self.ifIsTrue} ")
-        elif lActivity == "ELSE":
+            if not kwargs["lValue"] and kwargs["lLocatorType"] and kwargs["lLocator"]:
+                kwargs["lValue"] = self.browserSession.findBy(xpath=kwargs["xpath"], css=kwargs["css"], id=kwargs["id"], optional=kwargs["lOptional"],
+                                                    timeout=kwargs["lTimeout"])
+            self.__doComparisons(kwargs["lComparison"], value1=kwargs["lValue"], value2=kwargs["lValue"])
+            logger.debug(f'IF-condition original Value: {kwargs["original_value"]} (transformed: {kwargs["lValue"]}) '
+                         f'{kwargs["lComparison"]} {kwargs["lValue"]} evaluated to: {self.ifIsTrue} ')
+    def else_(self, **kwargs):
             if not self.ifIsTrue:  # don't run else statement if "if" statement is true
-                self.manageNestedCondition(condition=lActivity)
+                self.manageNestedCondition(condition=kwargs["lActivity"])
                 logger.debug("Executing ELSE-condition")
                 self.ifIsTrue = False
-        elif lActivity == "ENDIF":
-            self.manageNestedCondition(condition=lActivity)
-        elif lActivity == "REPEAT":
+    def endif(self, **kwargs):
+            self.manageNestedCondition(condition=kwargs["lActivity"])
+    def repeat(self, **kwargs):
             self.repeatActive += 1
             self.repeatIsTrue = True
-            if original_value not in self.testRunInstance.json_dict:
-                self.testRunInstance.json_dict[original_value] = []
-            self.testRunInstance.json_dict[original_value].append(lValue)
-            self.repeatReplaceDataDictionary.append(lValue)
-            self.repeatCount.append(lValue2)
-        elif lActivity == 'GOBACK':
+            if kwargs["original_value"] not in self.testRunInstance.json_dict:
+                self.testRunInstance.json_dict[kwargs["original_value"]] = []
+            self.testRunInstance.json_dict[kwargs["original_value"]].append(kwargs["lValue"])
+            self.repeatReplaceDataDictionary.append(kwargs["lValue"])
+            self.repeatCount.append(kwargs["lValue"])
+    def goback(self, **kwargs):
-        elif lActivity == 'APIURL':
-            self.apiSession.setBaseURL(lValue)
-        elif lActivity == 'ENDPOINT':
-            self.apiSession.setEndPoint(lValue)
-        elif lActivity == 'POST':
-            self.apiSession.postURL(content=lValue)
-        elif lActivity == 'GET':
+    def apiurl(self, **kwargs):
+            self.apiSession.setBaseURL(kwargs["lValue"])
+    def endpoint(self, **kwargs):
+            self.apiSession.setEndPoint(kwargs["lValue"])
+    def post(self, **kwargs):
+            self.apiSession.postURL(content=kwargs["lValue"])
+    def get(self, **kwargs):
-        elif lActivity == 'HEADER':
-            self.apiSession.setHeaders(setHeaderData=lValue)
-        elif lActivity == 'SAVE':
-            self.doSaveData(lValue, lValue2, lLocatorType, lLocator)
-        elif lActivity == 'CLEAR':
+    def header(self, **kwargs):
+            self.apiSession.setHeaders(setHeaderData=kwargs["lValue"])
+    def save(self, **kwargs):
+            self.doSaveData(kwargs["lValue"], kwargs["lValue"], kwargs["lLocatorType"], kwargs["lLocator"])
+    def clear(self, **kwargs):
             # Clear a variable:
-            if self.testcaseDataDict.get(lValue):
-                del self.testcaseDataDict[lValue]
-        elif lActivity == 'SAVETO':
+            if self.testcaseDataDict.get(kwargs["lValue"]):
+                del self.testcaseDataDict[kwargs["lValue"]]
+    def saveto(self, **kwargs):
             # In this case, we need to parse the real field, not the representation of the replaced field value
-            self.doSaveData(command['Value'], lValue2, lLocatorType, lLocator)
-        elif lActivity == 'SUBMIT':
+            self.doSaveData(kwargs["command"]['Value'], kwargs["lValue"], kwargs["lLocatorType"], kwargs["lLocator"])
+    def submit(self, **kwargs):
-        elif lActivity == "ADDRESS_CREATE":
-            # Create Address with option lValue and lValue2
-            AddressCreate(lValue, lValue2)
+    def address_create(self, **kwargs):
+            # Create Address with option kwargs["lValue"] and kwargs["lValue"]
+            AddressCreate(kwargs["lValue"], kwargs["lValue"])
             # Update testcaseDataDict with addressDict returned from
-        elif lActivity == 'ASSERT':
-            value_found = self.browserSession.findByAndWaitForValue(xpath=xpath, css=css, id=id, optional=lOptional,
-                                                                    timeout=lTimeout)
-            if not self.__doComparisons(lComparison=lComparison, value1=value_found, value2=lValue):
-                logger.error(f"Condition {value_found} {lComparison} {lValue} was not met during assert.")
-                raise baangtTestStepException(f"Expected Value: {lValue}, Value found :{value_found} ")
-        elif lActivity == 'IBAN':
+    def assert_(self, **kwargs):
+            value_found = self.browserSession.findByAndWaitForValue(xpath=kwargs["xpath"], css=kwargs["css"], id=kwargs["id"],
+                                                            optional=kwargs["lOptional"], timeout=kwargs["lTimeout"])
+            if not self.__doComparisons(kwargs["lComparison"], value1=value_found, value2=kwargs["lValue"]):
+                logger.error(f'Condition {value_found} {kwargs["lComparison"]} {kwargs["lValue"]} was not met during assert.')
+                raise baangtTestStepException(f'Expected Value: {kwargs["lValue"]}, Value found :{value_found} ')
+    def iban(self, **kwargs):
             # Create Random IBAN. Value1 = Input-Parameter for IBAN-Function. Value2=Fieldname
-            self.__getIBAN(lValue, lValue2)
-        elif lActivity == 'PDFCOMPARE':
-            self.doPDFComparison(lValue)
-        elif lActivity == 'CHECKLINKS':
+            self.__getIBAN(kwargs["lValue"], kwargs["lValue2"])
+    def pdfcompare(self, **kwargs):
+            self.doPDFComparison(kwargs["lValue"])
+    def checklinks(self, **kwargs):
-        elif lActivity == 'ALERTIF':
+    def alertif(self, **kwargs):
-        elif lActivity == GC.TESTCASESTATUS_STOP.upper():
+    def tcstoptestcase(self, **kwargs):
             self.testcaseDataDict[GC.TESTCASESTATUS_STOP] = "X"              # will stop the test case
-        elif lActivity == GC.TESTCASESTATUS_STOPERROR.upper():
+    def tcstoptestcaseerror(self, **kwargs):
             self.testcaseDataDict[GC.TESTCASESTATUS_STOPERROR] = "X"         # will stop the test case and set error
-        elif lActivity[0:3] == "ZZ_":
-            # custom command. Do nothing and return
-            return
-        else:
-            raise BaseException(f"Unknown command in TestStep {lActivity}")
-        self.timing.takeTime(lTimingString)
     def _extractAllSingleValues(self, command):
         lActivity = command["Activity"].upper()