Akash Singh 3 years ago
2 changed files with 134 additions and 265 deletions
  1. 130 256
  2. 4 9

+ 130 - 256

@@ -5,10 +5,9 @@ import errno
 import os
 import os
 import logging
 import logging
 import faker
 import faker
-from random import sample, randint
+from random import sample, choice
 import baangt.base.GlobalConstants as GC
 import baangt.base.GlobalConstants as GC
 import re
 import re
-from openpyxl import load_workbook
 import sys
 import sys
 import pandas as pd
 import pandas as pd
 from CloneXls import CloneXls
 from CloneXls import CloneXls
@@ -17,33 +16,53 @@ import json
 logger = logging.getLogger("pyC")
 logger = logging.getLogger("pyC")
-class Writer:
-    """
-    This class is made to update existing excel file.
-    First it will open the file in python and then we can do multiple writes and once everything is update we can use
-    save method in order to save the updated excel file. Hence, this class is very useful is saving time while updating
-    excel files.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        self.path = path
-        self.workbook = load_workbook(path)
-    def write(self, row, data, sht):
-        # Update the values using row and col number.
-        # Note :- We are using openpyxl so row & column index will start from 1 instead of 0
-        column = 0
-        sheet = self.workbook[sht]
-        headers = next(sheet.rows)
-        for header in headers:  # checks if usecount header is present in sheet
-            if "usecount" in str(header.value).lower():
-                column = headers.index(header) + 1
-        if column:
-            sheet.cell(row, column).value = data
-    def save(self):
-        # Call this method to save the file once every updates are written
-        self.workbook.save(self.path)
-        self.workbook.close()
+class PrefixData:
+    def __init__(self, dataList, prefix, tdg_object=None):
+        self.dataList = dataList
+        self.prefix = prefix
+        self.tdg_object = tdg_object
+        self.process()
+    def process(self):
+        if self.prefix.lower() == "rrd" or self.prefix.lower() == "rre":
+            self.dataList = [
+                data for data in self.dataList if not self.tdg_object.usecount_dict[repr(data)]["limit"] or \
+                self.tdg_object.usecount_dict[repr(data)]['use'] < self.tdg_object.usecount_dict[repr(data)]['limit']
+               ]
+        elif self.prefix.lower() == "fkr":
+            fake = faker.Faker(self.dataList[1])
+            fake_lis = []
+            if len(self.dataList) == 3:
+                if int(self.dataList[2]) == 0:
+                    fake_lis.append(getattr(fake, self.dataList[0])())
+                else:
+                    for x in range(int(self.dataList[2])):
+                        fake_lis.append(getattr(fake, self.dataList[0])())
+            else:
+                for x in range(5):
+                    fake_lis.append(getattr(fake, self.dataList[0])())
+            self.dataList = fake_lis
+    def return_random(self):
+        if self.prefix == "rre" or self.prefix == "rrd":
+            if not len(self.dataList):
+                print(self.dataList)
+                raise BaseException(f"Not enough data, please verify if data is present or usecount limit" \
+                                    "has reached!!")
+            data = choice(self.dataList)
+            self.tdg_object.usecount_dict[repr(data)]['use'] += 1
+            if self.tdg_object.usecount_dict[repr(data)]['limit'] and \
+                self.tdg_object.usecount_dict[repr(data)]['use'] >= self.tdg_object.usecount_dict[repr(data)]['limit']:
+                self.dataList.remove(data)
+            return data
+        elif self.prefix.lower() == "fkr":
+            return choice(self.dataList)
+        elif self.prefix == 'rnd':
+            return choice(self.dataList)
 class TestDataGenerator:
 class TestDataGenerator:
@@ -79,8 +98,6 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         self.writers = {}
         self.writers = {}
         if not from_handleDatabase:
         if not from_handleDatabase:
             self.processed_datas = self.__process_data(self.raw_data_json)
             self.processed_datas = self.__process_data(self.raw_data_json)
-            self.headers = [x for x in list(self.processed_datas[0].keys()) if x not in self.remove_header]
-            self.headers = [x for x in self.headers if 'usecount' not in x.lower()]
             self.final_data = self.__generateFinalData(self.processed_datas)
             self.final_data = self.__generateFinalData(self.processed_datas)
             if self.isUsecount:
             if self.isUsecount:
                 if not self.noUpdateFiles:
                 if not self.noUpdateFiles:
@@ -97,7 +114,10 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         if OutputFormat.lower() == "xlsx":
         if OutputFormat.lower() == "xlsx":
             if outputfile == None:
             if outputfile == None:
                 outputfile = GC.TESTDATAGENERATOR_OUTPUTFILE_XLSX
                 outputfile = GC.TESTDATAGENERATOR_OUTPUTFILE_XLSX
-            self.__write_excel(batch_size=batch_size, outputfile=outputfile)
+            #self.__write_excel(batch_size=batch_size, outputfile=outputfile)
+            with pd.ExcelWriter(outputfile) as writer:
+                self.final_data.to_excel(writer, index=False)
+            writer.save()
         elif OutputFormat.lower() == "csv":
         elif OutputFormat.lower() == "csv":
             if outputfile == None:
             if outputfile == None:
                 outputfile = GC.TESTDATAGENERATOR_OUTPUTFILE_CSV
                 outputfile = GC.TESTDATAGENERATOR_OUTPUTFILE_CSV
@@ -173,173 +193,13 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         :param processed_data:
         :param processed_data:
         :return: Final_data_list
         :return: Final_data_list
-        final_data = []
-        for lis in processed_data:
-            index = {}
-            data_lis = []
-            for key in lis:
-                if type(lis[key]) == str:
-                    data = [lis[key]]
-                elif type(lis[key]) == tuple:
-                    if len(lis[key]) > 0:
-                        self.__prefix_data_processing(lis, key, index)
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        data = ['']
-                else:
-                    data = lis[key]
-                data_lis.append(data)
-            datas = list(itertools.product(*data_lis))
-            self.__update_prefix_data_in_final_list(datas, index, final_data)
-        logger.info(f"Total generated data = {len(final_data)}")
+        for dic in processed_data:
+            for key in dic:
+                if type(dic[key]) == PrefixData:
+                    dic[key] = dic[key].return_random()
+        final_data = pd.DataFrame(processed_data)
         return final_data
         return final_data
-    def __update_prefix_data_in_final_list(self, data_list, dictionary, final_list):
-        """
-        This method will insert the data from the dictionary to final_list. So further it can be written in the output.
-        ``data_list`` is the list where all possible combinations generated by the input lists and ranges are stored.
-        ``dictionary`` is where the data with prefix are stored with their index value(which will be used to place data)
-        ``final_list`` is the list where final data will be stored after merging values from data_list and dictionary
-        First it will iterate through data_list which is list of lists(Also you can take it as list of rows).
-        Second loop will go through dictionary and check the data type of each value. Pairings inside dictionary are of
-        ``index: value`` here index is the position from where this value was picked. So it will be used in placing the
-        data in their correct position.
-        List:
-        =====
-            If value is list then it is a data with ``FKR_`` prefix with number of data 0(i.e. create new fake data for
-            every output). So we will create the faker module instance as per the input and will generate fake data for
-            every row. And will insert them in the position of index(key of dictionary).
-        Dictionary:
-        ==========
-            If it is not of type list then we will check that if it is of type dict. If yes then this is a data with
-            "RRD_" prefix and we have to select the random data here. So we will start looping through this dictionary.
-            Remember this is the third loop. This dictionary contains header:value(TargetDatas from matched data) pair.
-            On every loop it will first check that if the same header is stored in done dictionary. If yes then it will
-            get value of it from done dictionary. Then it will create a list from the TargetData list. This new list
-            will contain only data which has same value for same header stored in done dictionary.
-            i.e. If matching Header has value x then from TargetDatas list only data where header=x will be
-            considered for random pick.
-            Then the random value is selected from that list.
-            If none of the header is processed before(for the same row). Then it will get random data from the list and
-            will store header: value pair in done dictionary so it is used in the checking process as above.
-            It will also check if the ``self.header`` list contains all the header which are in the random selected data.
-            If not then it will add the header there.
-            At last we will index the position of header inside self.headers list and will insert the value in same
-            position and append the row in final_data list.
-        Tuple:
-        ======
-            If the type is tuple then we need to simply pick a random value from it and insert it in the same position of
-            index(key of dictionary for current value).
-        :param data_list:
-        :param dictionary:
-        :param final_list:
-        :return: None
-        """
-        for data in data_list:
-            success = True  # if usecount data is present then this is used to keep track of it and not to add whole row in final
-            data = list(data)
-            done = {}
-            for ind in dictionary:
-                if type(dictionary[ind]) == list:
-                    fake = faker.Faker(dictionary[ind][2])
-                    data.insert(ind, getattr(fake, dictionary[ind][1])())
-                else:
-                    if type(dictionary[ind][0]) == dict:
-                        sorted_data = False
-                        for header in dictionary[ind][0]:
-                            if header in done:
-                                match = done[header]
-                                sorted_data = [x for x in dictionary[ind] if x[header] == match]
-                                break
-                        if not sorted_data:
-                            sorted_data = list(dictionary[ind])
-                        remove_data = []  # Used to remove data with reached limit of usecount
-                        for dtt in sorted_data:  # this loop will check if data has reached the usecount limit and remove
-                            if self.usecount_dict[repr(dtt)]['limit'] == 0:
-                                continue
-                            if not self.usecount_dict[repr(dtt)]['use'] < self.usecount_dict[repr(dtt)]['limit']:
-                                remove_data.append(dtt)
-                        for dtt in remove_data:  # removing data from main data list
-                            logger.debug(f"UseCount limit of {dtt} is exceeded : {str(self.usecount_dict[repr(dtt)]['limit'])}")
-                            sorted_data.remove(dtt)
-                        if len(sorted_data) == 0:  # if the current loop has reached usecount the we need not to add whole row in final output
-                            success = False
-                            break
-                        elif len(sorted_data) == 1:
-                            data_to_insert = sorted_data[0]
-                        else:
-                            data_to_insert = sorted_data[randint(0, len(sorted_data) - 1)]
-                        self.usecount_dict[repr(data_to_insert)]['use'] += 1
-                        for keys in data_to_insert:
-                            if "usecount" in keys.lower():  # removing usecount header from headers in final output
-                                self.update_usecount_in_source(data_to_insert)
-                                continue
-                            if keys not in self.headers:
-                                self.headers.append(keys)
-                            if keys not in done:
-                                data.insert(self.headers.index(keys), data_to_insert[keys])
-                                done[keys] = data_to_insert[keys]
-                    else:
-                        data_to_insert = dictionary[ind][randint(0, len(dictionary[ind]) - 1)]
-                        data.insert(ind, data_to_insert)
-            if success:
-                final_list.append(data)
-    def __prefix_data_processing(self, dic, key, dictionary: dict):
-        """
-        This method will process the datas with prefix.
-        ``dic`` the dictionary where all data which are in final process is stored
-        ``key`` the header of the current data which will be used now to call the data.
-        ``dictionary`` in which the values will be inserted after performing their process.
-        First it will check the first value of tuple.
-        If it is ``Faker`` then in will continue the process and will check the 4th value of tuple.
-        If the 4th value(which is used to determine the number of fake data to be generated and store inside a list)
-        is ``0`` then the method will store the values as it is in a list, because ``0`` value means we have to generate
-        new fake data for every output data, so it will be done later.
-        If it is greater than ``0`` then this method will create tuple with the given number of fake data and store it.
-        (If no number is given then default number is 5.)
-        If first value is not ``Faker`` then no process will be done.
-        Finally the data will be inserted in the dictionary.
-        :param dic:
-        :param key:
-        :param dictionary:
-        :return:
-        """
-        ltuple = dic[key]
-        if ltuple[0] == "Faker":
-            fake = faker.Faker(ltuple[2])
-            fake_lis = []
-            if len(ltuple) == 4:
-                if int(ltuple[3]) == 0:
-                    dictionary[list(dic.keys()).index(key)] = list(ltuple)
-                    return True
-                else:
-                    for x in range(int(ltuple[3])):
-                        fake_lis.append(getattr(fake, ltuple[1])())
-            else:
-                for x in range(5):
-                    fake_lis.append(getattr(fake, ltuple[1])())
-            dictionary[list(dic.keys()).index(key)] = tuple(fake_lis)
-            return True
-        else:
-            dictionary[list(dic.keys()).index(key)] = ltuple
-            return True
     def __process_data(self, raw_json):
     def __process_data(self, raw_json):
         This method is used to Process all the raw unprocessed data read from the excel file.
         This method is used to Process all the raw unprocessed data read from the excel file.
@@ -368,16 +228,25 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
             processed_data = {}
             processed_data = {}
             for key in raw_data:
             for key in raw_data:
-                keys = self.data_generators(key)
+                keys = self.__splitList(key)
                 for ke in keys:
                 for ke in keys:
-                    processed_data[ke] = self.data_generators(raw_data[key])
-                    if type(processed_data[ke]) == tuple and len(processed_data[ke])>0:
-                        if type(processed_data[ke][0]) == dict:
-                            if ke not in processed_data[ke][0]:
-                                self.remove_header.append(ke)
-            processed_datas.append(processed_data)
+                    data = self.data_generators(raw_data[key])
+                    if type(data) != list:
+                        processed_data[ke] = [data]
+                    else:
+                        processed_data[ke] = data
+            product = list(self.product_dict(**processed_data))
+            processed_datas += product
+        print(len(processed_datas))
         return processed_datas
         return processed_datas
+    @staticmethod
+    def product_dict(**kwargs):
+        keys = kwargs.keys()
+        vals = kwargs.values()
+        for instance in itertools.product(*vals):
+            yield dict(zip(keys, instance))
     def data_generators(self, raw_data_old):
     def data_generators(self, raw_data_old):
         This method first send the data to ``__raw_data_string_process`` method to split the data and remove the unwanted
         This method first send the data to ``__raw_data_string_process`` method to split the data and remove the unwanted
@@ -400,68 +269,49 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         raw_data, prefix, data_type = self.__raw_data_string_process(raw_data_old)
         raw_data, prefix, data_type = self.__raw_data_string_process(raw_data_old)
         if len(raw_data)<=1:
         if len(raw_data)<=1:
             return [""]
             return [""]
-        if raw_data[0] == "[" and raw_data[-1] == "]" and prefix == "":
-            processed_datas = self.__splitList(raw_data)
-            processed_datas = data_type(processed_datas)
+        if prefix == "Rnd":
+            if "-" in raw_data:
+                raw_data = raw_data.split('-')
+                start = raw_data[0].strip()
+                end = raw_data[1].strip()
+                step = 1
+                if "," in end:
+                    raw_data = end.split(",")
+                    end = raw_data[0].strip()
+                    step = raw_data[1].strip()
+                processed_datas = [x for x in range(int(start), int(end) + 1, int(step))]
+            else:
+                processed_datas = self.__splitList(raw_data)
+            processed_datas = PrefixData(processed_datas, 'rnd')
         elif prefix == "Faker":
         elif prefix == "Faker":
-                processed_datas = [data.strip() for data in raw_data[1:-1].split(",")]
-                processed_datas.insert(0, "Faker")
-                processed_datas = data_type(processed_datas)
+                dataList = [data.strip() for data in raw_data[1:-1].split(",")]
+                processed_datas = PrefixData(dataList, prefix="fkr")
         elif prefix == "Rrd":
         elif prefix == "Rrd":
-            first_value = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[0].strip()
-            second_value = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[1].strip()
-            if second_value[0] == "[":
-                second_value = ','.join(raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[1:]).strip()
-                second_value = second_value[:second_value.index(']')+1]
-                third_value = [x.strip() for x in ']'.join(raw_data[1:-1].split(']')[1:]).split(',')[1:]]
-            else:
-                third_value = [x.strip() for x in raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[2:]]
-            evaluated_list = ']],'.join(','.join(third_value)[1:-1].strip().split('],')).split('],')
-            if evaluated_list[0] == "":
-                evaluated_dict = {}
-            else:
-                evaluated_dict = {
-                    splited_data.split(':')[0]: self.__splitList(splited_data.split(':')[1])  for splited_data in evaluated_list
-                }
-            if second_value[0] == "[" and second_value[-1] == "]":
-                second_value = self.__splitList(second_value)
+            sheet_name, data_looking_for, data_to_match = self.extractDataFromRrd(raw_data)
-                processed_datas = self.__processRrdRre(first_value, second_value,evaluated_dict)
-                processed_datas = data_type(processed_datas)
+                dataList = self.__processRrdRre(sheet_name, data_looking_for, data_to_match)
+                processed_datas = PrefixData(dataList, prefix='rrd', tdg_object=self)
             except KeyError:
             except KeyError:
                 sys.exit(f"Please check that source files contains all the headers mentioned in : {raw_data_old}")
                 sys.exit(f"Please check that source files contains all the headers mentioned in : {raw_data_old}")
         elif prefix == "Rre":
         elif prefix == "Rre":
             file_name = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[0].strip()
             file_name = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[0].strip()
-            first_value = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[1].strip()
-            second_value = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[2].strip()
-            if second_value[0] == "[":
-                second_value = ','.join(raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[2:]).strip()
-                second_value = second_value[:second_value.index(']')+1]
-                third_value = [x.strip() for x in ']'.join(raw_data[1:-1].split(']')[1:]).split(',')[1:]]
-            else:
-                third_value = [x.strip() for x in raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[3:]]
-            evaluated_list = ']],'.join(','.join(third_value)[1:-1].strip().split('],')).split('],')
-            if evaluated_list[0] == "":
-                evaluated_dict = {}
-            else:
-                evaluated_dict = {
-                    splited_data.split(':')[0]: self.__splitList(splited_data.split(':')[1])  for splited_data in evaluated_list
-                }
-            if second_value[0] == "[" and second_value[-1] == "]":
-                second_value = self.__splitList(second_value)
+            sheet_name, data_looking_for, data_to_match = self.extractDataFromRrd(raw_data, index=1)
-                processed_datas = self.__processRrdRre(first_value, second_value, evaluated_dict, filename=file_name)
-            except KeyError as e:
-                raise e
+                dataList = self.__processRrdRre(sheet_name, data_looking_for, data_to_match, filename=file_name)
+                processed_datas = PrefixData(dataList, prefix="rre", tdg_object=self)
+            except KeyError:
                 sys.exit(f"Please check that source files contains all the headers mentioned in : {raw_data_old}")
                 sys.exit(f"Please check that source files contains all the headers mentioned in : {raw_data_old}")
-            processed_datas = data_type(processed_datas)
         elif prefix == "Renv":
         elif prefix == "Renv":
             processed_datas = self.get_env_variable(raw_data)
             processed_datas = self.get_env_variable(raw_data)
+        elif raw_data[0] == "[" and raw_data[-1] == "]":
+            processed_datas = self.__splitList(raw_data)
         elif "-" in raw_data:
         elif "-" in raw_data:
             raw_data_original = raw_data[:]
             raw_data_original = raw_data[:]
             raw_data = raw_data.split('-')
             raw_data = raw_data.split('-')
@@ -476,15 +326,35 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
                 processed_datas = [x for x in range(int(start), int(end)+1, int(step))]
                 processed_datas = [x for x in range(int(start), int(end)+1, int(step))]
                 processed_datas = [raw_data_original.strip()]
                 processed_datas = [raw_data_original.strip()]
-            processed_datas = data_type(processed_datas)
-            processed_datas = [raw_data.strip()]
-            processed_datas = data_type(processed_datas)
+            processed_datas = raw_data.strip()
         return processed_datas
         return processed_datas
+    def extractDataFromRrd(self, raw_data, index=0):
+        first_value = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[0+index].strip()
+        second_value = raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[1+index].strip()
+        if second_value[0] == "[":
+            second_value = ','.join(raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[1+index:]).strip()
+            second_value = second_value[:second_value.index(']') + 1]
+            third_value = [x.strip() for x in ']'.join(raw_data[1:-1].split(']')[1:]).split(',')[1:]]
+        else:
+            third_value = [x.strip() for x in raw_data[1:-1].split(',')[2+index:]]
+        evaluated_list = ']],'.join(','.join(third_value)[1:-1].strip().split('],')).split('],')
+        if evaluated_list[0] == "":
+            evaluated_dict = {}
+        else:
+            evaluated_dict = {
+                splited_data.split(':')[0]: self.__splitList(splited_data.split(':')[1]) for splited_data in
+                evaluated_list
+            }
+        if second_value[0] == "[" and second_value[-1] == "]":
+            second_value = self.__splitList(second_value)
+        return first_value, second_value, evaluated_dict
     def __processRrdRre(self, sheet_name, data_looking_for, data_to_match: dict, filename=None):
     def __processRrdRre(self, sheet_name, data_looking_for, data_to_match: dict, filename=None):
         if filename:
         if filename:
+            filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.path), filename)
             if not self.noUpdateFiles:
             if not self.noUpdateFiles:
                 file_name = ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1])
                 file_name = ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1])
                 file_extension = filename.split(".")[-1]
                 file_extension = filename.split(".")[-1]
@@ -577,7 +447,6 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
             sys.exit(f"No data matching: {data_to_match}")
             sys.exit(f"No data matching: {data_to_match}")
         logger.debug(f"New Data Gathered.")
         logger.debug(f"New Data Gathered.")
         self.done[key_name] = data_lis
         self.done[key_name] = data_lis
         return data_lis
         return data_lis
     def __raw_data_string_process(self, raw_string):
     def __raw_data_string_process(self, raw_string):
@@ -605,7 +474,8 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         prefix = ""
         prefix = ""
         if len(raw_string)>4:
         if len(raw_string)>4:
             if raw_string[3] == "_":
             if raw_string[3] == "_":
-                if raw_string[:4].lower() == "rnd_":           # Random
+                if raw_string[:4].lower() == "rnd_":
+                    prefix = "Rnd"
                     raw_string = raw_string[4:]
                     raw_string = raw_string[4:]
                     data_type = tuple
                     data_type = tuple
                 elif raw_string[:4].lower() == "fkr_":
                 elif raw_string[:4].lower() == "fkr_":
@@ -680,7 +550,11 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
         :param raw_data: string of list
         :param raw_data: string of list
         :return: Python list
         :return: Python list
-        proccesed_datas = [data.strip() for data in raw_data[1:-1].split(",")]
+        if raw_data[0] == "[" and raw_data[-1] == "]":
+            data = raw_data[1:-1]
+        else:
+            data = raw_data
+        proccesed_datas = [data.strip() for data in data.split(",")]
         return proccesed_datas
         return proccesed_datas
     def check_usecount(self, data):
     def check_usecount(self, data):

+ 4 - 9

@@ -214,15 +214,10 @@ class HandleDatabase:
     def get_data_from_tdg(self, string):
     def get_data_from_tdg(self, string):
         data = self.testDataGenerator.data_generators(string)
         data = self.testDataGenerator.data_generators(string)
-        if self.testDataGenerator.usecount_dict[repr(data[0])]["limit"]:
-            data = [d for d in data if self.testDataGenerator.usecount_dict[repr(d)]["use"
-                                                                ] < self.testDataGenerator.usecount_dict[repr(d)]["limit"]]
-        if len(data) > 1:
-            data = data[randint(0, len(data) - 1)]
-        elif len(data) == 1:
-            data = data[0]
-        else:
-            raise BaseException(f"Not enough data for {string}, please verify if data is present or usecount limit" \
+        try:
+            data = data.return_random()
+        except BaseException:
+            raise BaseException(f"Not enough data {string}, please verify if data is present or usecount limit" \
                                 "has reached!!")
                                 "has reached!!")
         return data
         return data