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export result queries

aguryev 3 years ago





File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 390 - 0

+ 18 - 3

@@ -121,6 +121,15 @@ class TestCaseSequenceLog(base):
 	testrun = relationship('TestrunLog', foreign_keys=[testrun_id])
 	testcases = relationship('TestCaseLog')
+	@property
+	def duration(self):
+		#
+		# duration in seconds
+		#
+		return sum([tc.duration for tc in self.testcases])
 	def __str__(self):
 		return str(uuid.UUID(
@@ -163,7 +172,7 @@ class TestCaseLog(base):
 	def duration(self):
-		# duration as timedelta
+		# duration in seconds
 		for field in self.fields:
@@ -171,8 +180,14 @@ class TestCaseLog(base):
 				# parse value from H:M:S.microseconds
 				m ='(?P<hours>\d+):(?P<minutes>\d+):(?P<seconds>\d[\.\d+]*)', field.value)
 				if m:
-					duration = {key: float(value) for key, value in m.groupdict().items()}
-					return timedelta(**duration)
+					factors = {
+						'hours': 3600,
+						'minutes': 60,
+						'seconds': 1,
+					}
+					#duration = {key: float(value) for key, value in m.groupdict().items()}
+					#return timedelta(**duration)
+					return sum([factors[key]*float(value) for key, value in m.groupdict().items()])
 		return None

+ 1 - 0

@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ EXP_FIELDLIST = "Fieldlist"
+PATH_QUERIES = '2ResultQueries'
 PATH_EXPORT = '1TestResults'
 PATH_IMPORT = '0TestInput'
 PATH_SCREENSHOTS = 'Screenshots'

+ 297 - 95

@@ -1,106 +1,308 @@
 from sqlalchemy import create_engine, desc, and_
 from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
 from baangt.base.DataBaseORM import DATABASE_URL, engine, TestrunLog, GlobalAttribute, TestCaseLog, TestCaseSequenceLog, TestCaseField
+from baangt.base.ExportResults.ExportResults import ExcelSheetHelperFunctions
 import baangt.base.GlobalConstants as GC
 import uuid
+from datetime import datetime
+from xlsxwriter import Workbook
+import logging
+import pathlib
+import os
+logger = logging.getLogger("pyC")
 class ResultsBrowser:
-	def __init__(self, db_url=None):
-		if db_url:
-			self.engine = create_engine(db_url)
-		else:
-			self.engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL)
-	def get(self, id):
-		#
-		# get TestrunLog by id (uuid string)
-		#
-		db = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)()
-		return db.query(TestrunLog).get(uuid.UUID(id).bytes)
-	def getResults(self, name=None, stage=None, start_date=None, end_date=None):
-		#
-		# get TestrunLogs by name, stage and dates
-		#
-		db = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)()
-		records = []
-		# filter by name and stage
-		if name and stage:
-			records = db.query(TestrunLog).order_by(TestrunLog.startTime).filter_by(testrunName=name)\
-				.filter(TestrunLog.globalVars.any(and_(, GlobalAttribute.value==stage))).all()
-		# filter by name
-		elif name:
-			# get Testrun stages
-			stages = db.query(GlobalAttribute.value).filter(GlobalAttribute.testrun.has(TestrunLog.testrunName==name))\
-			.filter_by(name=GC.EXECUTION_STAGE).group_by(GlobalAttribute.value).order_by(GlobalAttribute.value).all()
-			stages = [x[0] for x in stages]
-			for s in stages:
-				logs = db.query(TestrunLog).order_by(TestrunLog.startTime).filter_by(testrunName=name)\
-					.filter(TestrunLog.globalVars.any(and_(, GlobalAttribute.value==s))).all()
-				records.extend(logs)
-		# filter by stage
-		elif stage:
-			# get Testrun names
-			names = db.query(TestrunLog.testrunName)\
-			.filter(TestrunLog.globalVars.any(and_(, GlobalAttribute.value==stage)))\
-			.group_by(TestrunLog.testrunName).order_by(TestrunLog.testrunName).all()
-			names = [x[0] for x in names]
-			for n in names:
-				logs = db.query(TestrunLog).order_by(TestrunLog.startTime).filter_by(testrunName=n)\
-					.filter(TestrunLog.globalVars.any(and_(, GlobalAttribute.value==stage))).all()
-				records.extend(logs)
-		# get all testruns ordered by name and stage
-		else:
-			# get Testrun names
-			names = db.query(TestrunLog.testrunName).group_by(TestrunLog.testrunName).order_by(TestrunLog.testrunName).all()
-			names = [x[0] for x in names]
-			for n in names:
-				# get Testrun stages
-				stages = db.query(GlobalAttribute.value).filter(GlobalAttribute.testrun.has(TestrunLog.testrunName==n))\
-				.filter_by(name=GC.EXECUTION_STAGE).group_by(GlobalAttribute.value).order_by(GlobalAttribute.value).all()
-				stages = [x[0] for x in stages]
-				for s in stages:
-					logs = db.query(TestrunLog).order_by(TestrunLog.startTime).filter_by(testrunName=n)\
-						.filter(TestrunLog.globalVars.any(and_(, GlobalAttribute.value==s))).all()
-					records.extend(logs)
-		# filter by dates
-		if start_date and end_date:
-			return [log for log in records if log.startTime > start_date and log.startTime < end_date]
-		elif start_date:
-			return [log for log in records if log.startTime > start_date]
-		elif end_date:
-			return [log for log in records if log.startTime < end_date]
-		return records
-	def getTestCases(self, name, stage, start_date=None, end_date=None):
-		#
-		# retuns data on the specified testrun stages
-		#
-		# get records
-		records = self.getResults(name, stage, start_date, end_date)
-		print(f'Records read: {len(records)}')
-		for r in records:
-			for tc in r.testcase_sequences[0].testcases:
-				print(f'{tc.duration}:\t{tc.status}\t{tc}')
-		#return [{'duration': tc.duration, 'status': tc.status for tc in r.testcase_sequences[0].testcases} for r in records]
+    def __init__(self, db_url=None):
+        # setup db engine
+        if db_url:
+            engine = create_engine(db_url)
+        else:
+            engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL)
+        self.db = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()
+        # result query set
+        self.query_set = []
+        # tag of the current query set
+        self.tag = None
+        # set of stages
+        self.stages = None
+        # create export folder
+        pathlib.Path(GC.PATH_QUERIES).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+'Initiated with DATABASE_URL: {db_url if db_url else DATABASE_URL}')
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.db.close()
+    def average_duration(self, testcase_sequence=None, testcase=None):
+        #
+        # average durationof the testruns or particular testcases within the query set
+        # testcase values:
+        #   None: the whole testrun
+        #   integer: the specified testcase 
+        #
+        if testcase_sequence is None:
+            # whole testrun
+            durations = [tr.duration for tr in self.query_set]
+        elif testcase is None:
+            # specified testcase sequence
+            durations = [tr.testcase_sequences[testcase_sequence].duration for tr in self.query_set if testcase_sequence < len(tr.testcase_sequences)]
+        else:
+            # specific testcase
+            durations = [
+                tr.testcase_sequences[testcase_sequence].testcases[testcase].duration for tr in self.query_set \
+                if testcase_sequence < len(tr.testcase_sequences) and testcase < len(tr.testcase_sequences[testcase_sequence].testcases)
+            ]
+        return round(sum(durations) / len(durations), 2)
+    def size(self, testcase_sequence=None):
+        #
+        # the maximum number of testcase sequences
+        #
+        # test case sequences
+        if testcase_sequence is None:
+            return max([len(tr.testcase_sequences) for tr in self.query_set])
+        # test cases
+        return max([len(tr.testcase_sequences[testcase_sequence].testcases) for tr in self.query_set])
+    def get(self, ids):
+        #
+        # get TestrunLogs by id (list of uuid string)
+        #
+        # set the tag
+        self.tag = {
+            'Date':'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
+        }
+        # get records by id
+        records = []
+        for id in ids:
+            records.append(self.db.query(TestrunLog).get(uuid.UUID(id).bytes))
+        self.query_set = records
+    def query(self, name=None, stage=None, start_date=None, end_date=None):
+        #
+        # get TestrunLogs by name, stage and dates
+        #
+        # set the tag
+        self.tag = {
+            'Name': name,
+            'Stage': stage,
+            'Date from': start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if start_date else None,
+            'Date to': end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if end_date else None,
+        }
+        # get records
+        records = []
+'Quering: name={self.tag.get("Name")}, stage={self.tag.get("Stage")}, dates=({self.tag.get("Date from")}, {self.tag.get("Date to")})')
+        # filter by name and stage
+        if name and stage:
+            self.stages = {stage}
+            records = self.db.query(TestrunLog).order_by(TestrunLog.startTime).filter_by(testrunName=name)\
+                .filter(TestrunLog.globalVars.any(and_(, GlobalAttribute.value==stage))).all()
+        # filter by name
+        elif name:
+            # get Testrun stages
+            stages = self.db.query(GlobalAttribute.value).filter(GlobalAttribute.testrun.has(TestrunLog.testrunName==name))\
+            .filter_by(name=GC.EXECUTION_STAGE).group_by(GlobalAttribute.value).order_by(GlobalAttribute.value).all()
+            self.stages = {x[0] for x in stages}
+            for s in self.stages:
+                logs = self.db.query(TestrunLog).order_by(TestrunLog.startTime).filter_by(testrunName=name)\
+                    .filter(TestrunLog.globalVars.any(and_(, GlobalAttribute.value==s))).all()
+                records.extend(logs)
+        # filter by stage
+        elif stage:
+            self.stages = {stage}
+            # get Testrun names
+            names = self.db.query(TestrunLog.testrunName)\
+            .filter(TestrunLog.globalVars.any(and_(, GlobalAttribute.value==stage)))\
+            .group_by(TestrunLog.testrunName).order_by(TestrunLog.testrunName).all()
+            names = [x[0] for x in names]
+            for n in names:
+                logs = self.db.query(TestrunLog).order_by(TestrunLog.startTime).filter_by(testrunName=n)\
+                    .filter(TestrunLog.globalVars.any(and_(, GlobalAttribute.value==stage))).all()
+                records.extend(logs)
+        # get all testruns ordered by name and stage
+        else:
+            # get Testrun names
+            names = self.db.query(TestrunLog.testrunName).group_by(TestrunLog.testrunName).order_by(TestrunLog.testrunName).all()
+            names = [x[0] for x in names]
+            self.stages = set()
+            for n in names:
+                # get Testrun stages
+                stages = self.db.query(GlobalAttribute.value).filter(GlobalAttribute.testrun.has(TestrunLog.testrunName==n))\
+                .filter_by(name=GC.EXECUTION_STAGE).group_by(GlobalAttribute.value).order_by(GlobalAttribute.value).all()
+                stages = [x[0] for x in stages]
+                self.stages.update(stages)
+                for s in stages:
+                    logs = self.db.query(TestrunLog).order_by(TestrunLog.startTime).filter_by(testrunName=n)\
+                        .filter(TestrunLog.globalVars.any(and_(, GlobalAttribute.value==s))).all()
+                    records.extend(logs)
+        # filter by dates
+        if start_date and end_date:
+            self.query_set = [log for log in records if log.startTime > start_date and log.startTime < end_date]
+        elif start_date:
+            self.query_set = [log for log in records if log.startTime > start_date]
+        elif end_date:
+            self.query_set = [log for log in records if log.startTime < end_date]
+        else:
+            self.query_set = records
+'Number of found records: {len(self.query_set)}')
+    def export(self):
+        #
+        # export the query set to xlsx
+        #
+        # set labels
+        labelTetsrun = 'TestRun'
+        labelTestCaseSequence = 'Test Case Sequence'
+        labelTestCase = 'Test Case'
+        labelAvgDuration = 'Avg. Duration'
+        path_to_file = os.path.join(
+            os.getcwd(),
+            GC.PATH_QUERIES,
+            f'TestrunLogs_{"_".join(list(map(str, self.tag.values())))}.xlsx',
+        )
+        #print(path_to_file)
+        workbook = Workbook(path_to_file)
+        # define cell formats
+        # green background
+        cellFormatGreen = workbook.add_format({'bg_color': 'green'})
+        #cellFormatGreen.set_bg_color('green')
+        # red background
+        cellFormatRed = workbook.add_format({'bg_color': 'red'})
+        #cellFormatRed.set_bg_color('red')
+        # bold font
+        cellFormatBold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})
+        # bold and italic font
+        cellFormatBoldItalic = workbook.add_format({'bold': True, 'italic': True})
+        # summary tab
+        sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Summary')
+        sheet.set_column(first_col=0, last_col=0, width=18)
+        #sheet.set_column(first_col=1, last_col=1, width=12)
+        # title
+        sheet.write(0, 0, f'{labelTetsrun}s Summary', cellFormatBold)
+        # parameters
+        line = 1
+        for key, value in self.tag.items():
+            line += 1
+            sheet.write(line, 0, key)#, cellFormatBold)
+            sheet.write(line, 1, value)
+        # average duration
+        line += 2
+        sheet.write(line, 0, labelAvgDuration, cellFormatBold)
+        sheet.write(line, 1, self.average_duration())
+        # testcases
+        line += 2
+        sheet.write(line, 0, f'{labelTestCase}s', cellFormatBold)
+        status_style = {
+            GC.TESTCASESTATUS_SUCCESS: cellFormatGreen,
+            GC.TESTCASESTATUS_ERROR: cellFormatRed,
+        }
+        for tcs_index in range(self.size()):
+            # testcase sequence
+            line += 1
+            sheet.write(line, 0, labelTestCaseSequence)
+            sheet.write(line, 1, tcs_index)
+            line += 1
+            sheet.write(line, 0, labelAvgDuration)
+            sheet.write(line, 1, self.average_duration(testcase_sequence=tcs_index))
+            # test cases
+            # header
+            line += 2
+            sheet.write(line, 0, f'{labelTetsrun} Date', cellFormatBoldItalic)
+            sheet.write(line, 1, labelTestCase, cellFormatBoldItalic)
+            line += 1            
+            for i in range(self.size(testcase_sequence=tcs_index)):
+                sheet.write(line, 1 + i, i)
+            id_col = i + 3
+            sheet.write(line - 1, id_col, f'{labelTetsrun} ID', cellFormatBoldItalic)
+            # status
+            for tr in self.query_set:
+                line += 1
+                sheet.write(line, 0, tr.startTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
+                col = 1
+                for tc in tr.testcase_sequences[tcs_index].testcases:
+                    sheet.write(line, col, tc.status, status_style.get(tc.status))
+                    #sheet.write(line, col, tc.duration, status_style.get(tc.status))
+                    col += 1
+                #sheet.write(line, col, tr.duration)
+                #sheet.write(line, col+1, tr.testcase_sequences[0].duration)
+                sheet.write(line, id_col, str(tr))
+            line += 1
+            sheet.write(line, 0, labelAvgDuration, cellFormatBoldItalic)
+            for tc_index in range(self.size(testcase_sequence=tcs_index)):
+                sheet.write(line, tc_index+1, self.average_duration(testcase_sequence=tcs_index, testcase=tc_index))
+        # test case tabs
+        for stage in self.stages:
+            sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(f'{stage}_JSON')
+            # write headers
+            headers = [
+                'Stage',
+                f'{labelTetsrun} ID',
+                f'{labelTestCase} ID',
+                'Attribute',
+                'Value',
+            ]
+            for index, label in enumerate(headers):
+                sheet.write(0, index, label, cellFormatBold)
+            # write data
+            line = 1
+            for tr in self.query_set:
+                # check the stage
+                if tr.stage == stage:
+                    for tcs in tr.testcase_sequences:
+                        for tc in tcs.testcases:
+                            for field in tc.fields:
+                                sheet.write(line, 0, stage)
+                                sheet.write(line, 1, str(tr))
+                                sheet.write(line, 2, str(tc))
+                                sheet.write(line, 3,
+                                sheet.write(line, 4, field.value)
+                                line += 1
+            # autowidth
+            for i in range(len(headers)):
+                ExcelSheetHelperFunctions.set_column_autowidth(sheet, i)
+        workbook.close()
+'Query successfully exported to {path_to_file}')
+        return path_to_file



+ 12 - 2

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ name = 'heartbeat.json'
 stage = 'HF'
 #stage = 'PQA'
 start_time = datetime.strptime("2020-06-10 00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
-end_time = datetime.strptime("2020-06-11 00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
+end_time = datetime.strptime("2020-07-11 00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
 def print_logs(logs):
 	for index, log in enumerate(logs):
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ def print_logs(logs):
 r = ResultsBrowser()
 #r.getTestCases(name=name, stage=stage)
 print('\n***** Get All Records')
 logs = r.getResults()
@@ -42,11 +43,12 @@ print('\n***** Filter By Name and Date')
 logs = r.getResults(name=name, start_date=start_time, end_date=end_time)
 id = 'eff78fa9-83b7-484a-a8ab-5e30cf0f12cc'
 print(f'\n****** GET BY ID: {id}')
 def draw_seconds(t):
 	if t is None:
 		return '\033[35mnan\033[0m'
@@ -84,6 +86,14 @@ for log in logs:
 	for tc in log.testcase_sequences[0].testcases:
 		print(draw_seconds(tc.duration), end=' ')
+r.query(name=name, stage=stage, start_date=start_time, end_date=end_time)
+#r.query(name=name, start_date=start_time)
+f = r.export()
+#print(f'Exported to: {f}')