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Updated the funtionality to work in testrun file

Akash Singh 3 years ago

+ 4 - 1

@@ -628,7 +628,10 @@ class TestDataGenerator:
                 usecount = True
                 usecount_header = header
                 if "usecount_" in header.lower():
-                    limit = int(header.lower().strip().split("count_")[1])
+                    try:
+                        limit = int(header.lower().strip().split("count_")[1])
+                    except:
+                        limit = 0
         return usecount, limit, usecount_header
     def update_usecount_in_source(self, data):

+ 87 - 7

@@ -10,10 +10,40 @@ from pathlib import Path
 import xl2dict
 import re
 from random import randint
+from openpyxl import load_workbook
 logger = logging.getLogger("pyC")
+class Writer:
+    """
+    This class is made to update existing excel file.
+    First it will open the file in python and then we can do multiple writes and once everything is update we can use
+    save method in order to save the updated excel file. Hence, this class is very useful is saving time while updating
+    excel files.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        self.path = path
+        self.workbook = load_workbook(self.path)
+    def write(self, row, data, sht):
+        # Update the values using row and col number.
+        # Note :- We are using openpyxl so row & column index will start from 1 instead of 0
+        column = 0
+        sheet = self.workbook[sht]
+        headers = next(sheet.rows)
+        for header in headers:  # checks if usecount header is present in sheet
+            if "usecount" in str(header.value).lower():
+                column = headers.index(header) + 1
+        if column:
+            sheet.cell(row, column).value = data
+    def save(self):
+        # Call this method to save the file once every updates are written
+        self.workbook.close()
 class HandleDatabase:
     def __init__(self, linesToRead, globalSettings=None):
         self.lineNumber = 3
@@ -123,6 +153,8 @@ class HandleDatabase:
                         temp_dic[keys[col_index]] = temp_dic[keys[col_index]][:-2]
+        self.usecount_dict = {}  # used to maintain usecount limit record and verify if that non of the data cross limit
+        self.writer = Writer(fileName)  # Writer class object to save file only in end, which will save time
         for temp_dic in self.dataDict:
             new_data_dic = {}
@@ -158,6 +190,7 @@ class HandleDatabase:
             for key in new_data_dic:
                 temp_dic[key] = new_data_dic[key]
+  # saving source input file once everything is done
     def rlp_process(self, string, fileName):
         # Will get real data from rlp_ prefix string
@@ -219,20 +252,59 @@ class HandleDatabase:
         if type(data_looking_for) == str:
             data_looking_for = data_looking_for.split(",")
+        usecount, limit, usecount_header = self.check_usecount(base_sheet[0])
         for data in base_sheet:
+            dt = ""
             if len(matching_data) == 1 and len(matching_data[0]) == 0:
                 if data_looking_for[0] == "*":
-                    data_lis.append(data)
+                    dt = data
+                    data_lis.append(dt)
-                    data_lis.append({keys: data[keys] for keys in data_looking_for})
+                    dt = {keys: data[keys] for keys in data_looking_for}
+                    data_lis.append(dt)
                 if [data[key] for key in data_to_match] in matching_data:
                     if data_looking_for[0] == "*":
-                        data_lis.append(data)
+                        dt = data
+                        data_lis.append(dt)
-                        data_lis.append({keys: data[keys] for keys in data_looking_for})
+                        dt = {keys: data[keys] for keys in data_looking_for}
+                        data_lis.append(dt)
+            if dt:
+                if repr(dt) not in self.usecount_dict:
+                    if usecount_header:
+                        if data[usecount_header]:
+                            used_limit = int(data[usecount_header])
+                        else:
+                            used_limit = 0
+                    else:
+                        used_limit = 0
+                    self.usecount_dict[repr(dt)] = {
+                        "use": used_limit, "limit": limit, "index": base_sheet.index(data) + 2, "sheet_name": sheet_name
+                    }
+                else:
+                    if limit:
+                        if not self.usecount_dict[repr(dt)]["use"] < self.usecount_dict[repr(dt)]["limit"]:
+                            data_lis.remove(dt)
         return data_lis
+    def check_usecount(self, data):
+        # used to find and return if their is usecount header and limit in input file
+        usecount = False
+        limit = 0
+        usecount_header = None
+        for header in data:
+            if "usecount" in header.lower():
+                usecount = True
+                usecount_header = header
+                if "usecount_" in header.lower():
+                    try:
+                        limit = int(header.lower().strip().split("count_")[1])
+                    except:
+                        limit = 0
+        return usecount, limit, usecount_header
     def __rrd_string_to_python(self, raw_data, fileName):
         Convert string to python data types
@@ -262,8 +334,15 @@ class HandleDatabase:
         processed_datas = self.__processRrd(first_value, second_value, evaluated_dict)
         assert len(processed_datas)>0, f"No matching data for RRD_. Please check the input file. Was searching for " \
                                        f"{first_value}, {second_value} and {str(evaluated_dict)} " \
-                                       f"but didn't find anything"
-        return processed_datas[randint(0, len(processed_datas)-1)]
+                                       f"but didn't find anything. Also please check the usecount limit if their is any."
+        final_data = processed_datas[randint(0, len(processed_datas)-1)]
+        if repr(final_data) in self.usecount_dict:
+            self.usecount_dict[repr(final_data)]["use"] += 1
+            self.writer.write(
+                self.usecount_dict[repr(final_data)]["index"], self.usecount_dict[repr(final_data)]["use"],
+                self.usecount_dict[repr(final_data)]["sheet_name"]
+            )
+        return final_data
     def __rre_string_to_python(self, raw_data):
@@ -295,7 +374,8 @@ class HandleDatabase:
         assert len(processed_datas)>0, f"No matching data for RRD_. Please check the input file. Was searching for " \
                                        f"{first_value}, {second_value} and {str(evaluated_dict)} " \
                                        f"but didn't find anything"
-        return processed_datas[randint(0, len(processed_datas)-1)]
+        final_data = randint(0, len(processed_datas)-1)
+        return processed_datas[final_data]
     def __rlp_string_to_python(self, raw_data, fileName):
         # will convert rlp string to python
