Docker script to demonstrate baangt open source test automation suite with Selenium Grid V4

bernhardbuhl 3d8b08c632 Typos removed 4 years ago
.gitignore 9fba9e10a5 first commit 4 years ago
.project b549130f3b for selenium grid v4 4 years ago
Dockerfile f34883906e Changes Bernhard 4 years ago
LICENSE.txt acaddcf6de first commit 4 years ago
Makefile f34883906e Changes Bernhard 4 years ago 3d8b08c632 Typos removed 4 years ago
baangt.ini f34883906e Changes Bernhard 4 years ago f34883906e Changes Bernhard 4 years ago acaddcf6de first commit 4 years ago c02cbfe0d3 Autostart baangt 4 years ago
xstartup c02cbfe0d3 Autostart baangt 4 years ago

This creates a Docker container with Ubuntu 18.04, TightVNC Server and baangt.

To build:

$ make build

To run:

$ make run

which is a shorthand for:

$ docker run --rm -ti -p 5902:5901 --name docker-ubuntu baangt/docker-ubuntu-vnc:latest

After you run the container, you can use VNC to access it by using vnc://localhost:5902. Initial password for the VNC-Connection is password. You'll find baangt already up and running and configured for your test execution.

Check http://localhost:4444/status to see the status of Selenium Grid.

To get a shell on a running container:

$ make shell