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VNC instructions added

bernhardbuhl 4 years ago
1 changed files with 5 additions and 18 deletions
  1. 5 18

+ 5 - 18

@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ README
 This creates a Docker container with Ubuntu 18.04, [TightVNC Server]( and [baangt](
-To build:
+# To build:
 $ make build
-To run:
+# To run:
 $ make run
@@ -21,26 +21,13 @@ which is a shorthand for:
 $ docker run --rm -ti -p 5902:5901 --name docker-ubuntu baangt/docker-ubuntu-vnc:latest
-To get a shell on a running container:
+After you run the container, you can use VNC to access it by using ``vnc://localhost:5902``
-$ make shell
-Please check following:
+# To get a shell on a running container:
- - donwload latest webdrivers in baangt/browserDrivers folder
- - or if you run baangt and execute with TC.Browser = FF, then latest geckodriver will be downloaded.
-To run selenium grid 4 
-$ java -jar /baangt/browserDrivers/selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-5.jar standalone
+$ make shell
 Check http://localhost:4444/status
-Use baangt/examples/globals_grid4.json to test 
-TC.Browser: REMOTE_V4
-TC.BrowserAttributes: {'browserName': 'firefox', 'seleniumGridIp': '', 'seleniumGridPort': '4444'}