Browse Source

Initial commit

Bernhard 5 years ago
15 changed files with 1476 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 5 0
  2. 691 0
  3. 29 0
  4. 606 0
  5. 0 0
  6. 29 0
  7. 29 0
  8. 29 0
  9. 1 0
  10. 1 0
  11. 1 0
  12. 1 0
  13. BIN
  14. 53 0
  15. 1 0

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

+ 691 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+Created on 24.05.2018
+@author: Bernhard
+import requests
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from random import randint
+import cProfile, pstats
+from io import StringIO
+import os
+import platform
+import logging
+import getopt
+import sys
+import timeit
+import csv
+import codecs
+def args_read(l_search_parameter):
+    l_args = sys.argv[1:]
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(l_args,"u:p:s:l:m:",["users=",
+                                                    "products=", 
+                                                    "server=", 
+                                                    "ll=",
+                                                    "mode="
+                                                    ])
+    except getopt.GetoptError as err_det:
+        print ("Error in reading parameters:" + str(err_det))
+        print_args()
+        sys.exit("Abgebrochen wegen Fehler in Aufrufparametern")
+    if opts:
+        for opt, arg in opts:
+            if l_search_parameter == opt: #in ("-u", "--usage"):
+                return arg
+    return None
+def print_args():
+    print("""
+Call: python --parameters 
+       --users=<numeric> e.g. 10, 100, Default = 50
+       --products=<numeric> e.g. 1000, 5000. Default = 2000
+       --server="" Default = app.test
+       --ll=1..4 (1=Error, 2 = warning, 3 = info, 4 = debug. Default 1)
+       --mode=allnew, recycle
+          allnew = create users, create products, recycle, bulk-recycle, call stats
+          recycle = choose random users, choose random material, recycle, bulk-recycle
+                    for this to work there needs to be an export from users-table
+                    called auth_user.csv (only having E-Mail-Address).
+                    Only users with E-Mail-Address will be selected
+ Suggested for standard use:
+   python --users=50 --products=1000
+   or in the EXE-Version: api_calls.exe --users=50 --products=1000
+        will create 50 users, 1000 products on app-test server
+class perf_trace:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__pr = ""
+    def perf_trace_start(self):
+        self.__pr = cProfile.Profile()
+        self.__pr.enable()  # start profiling       
+    def perf_trace_end(self):
+        self.__pr.disable()  # end profiling
+        s = StringIO()
+        sortby = 'cumulative'
+        ps = pstats.Stats(self.__pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby)
+        ps.print_stats()
+"Performance-Trace follows:\n" + s.getvalue())
+        #print(s.getvalue())
+def g_post(url, json="", headers=None):
+    if url[0] != "#":
+        if not headers:
+            resp =, json=json)
+        else:
+            resp =, headers=headers, json=json)
+    else:
+        resp = i_response()
+        resp.status_code = 201
+        l_json = {'key':12345, 'id':12345}
+        resp.set_json(l_json)
+    return resp
+def g_get(url, json=None, headers=None):
+    if url[0] != "#":
+        if not json:
+            resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
+        else:
+            resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers, json=json)
+    else:
+        resp = i_response()
+        resp.status_code = 201
+        l_json = {'key':12345, 'id':12345}
+        resp.set_json(l_json) 
+    return resp   
+class i_response:
+    # Class to buffer a response-object into
+    # internal formati
+    # so that we can mock response-object
+    status_code = None
+    text = None
+    def __init__(self, response=None):
+        if response:
+            self.__response = response
+            self.text = response.text
+        else:
+            self.__response = None
+            self.text = "dummy"
+        self.__json = None
+    def json(self):
+        if self.__response:
+            return self.__response.json()
+        else:
+            return self.__json
+    def set_json(self, l_json):
+        self.__json = l_json
+def g_check_status(resp):
+    if resp.status_code!=200 and resp.status_code != 201:
+        if resp.status_code == 400:
+            logger.debug(resp.status_code)
+            logger.debug(resp)
+            logger.debug(resp.__dict__)
+            return False
+        else:
+            return False        
+    else:
+        return True
+def g_get_header(i):
+    l_token_key = g_users.get_user_and_login(i)
+    if not l_token_key:
+        logger.critical("Token for user not recevied: " + str(i))
+        raise SystemExit()
+    headers={'x-geolocation-header': "1:1",
+         "authorization": "Token " + l_token_key,
+         "Content-Type": "application/json", 
+         "accept": "application/json"}    
+    return headers
+class api_init:
+    def __init__(self, min_number, iteration):
+        self.min_number = min_number
+        self.max_number = min_number + iteration
+        # BaseURL for API-Calls 
+        # Muss spaeter noch ersetzt werden - irgendwie aus INI-File ziehen oda so.
+        self.base_url = args_read("--server")
+        if not self.base_url:
+            self.base_url = "" 
+"Server: " + self.base_url)
+        # Basis for Barcodes, Usernames, Product-Texts, etc.
+        l_datetime =
+        self.base = str(l_datetime.month + + str(l_datetime.hour + l_datetime.minute) + str(l_datetime.second)
+        logger.debug("Base-String: " + self.base)
+    def set_base_url(self, base_url):
+        self.base_url = base_url
+    def get_min_number(self):
+        return self.min_number
+    def get_max_number(self):
+        return self.max_number
+    def get_base_url(self):
+        return self.base_url
+    def get_base(self):
+        return self.base
+class api_user:
+    # Creates a number of random users
+    def __init__(self, api_init):
+        self.l_api_init = api_init
+        self.l_min_number = self.l_api_init.get_min_number()
+        self.l_max_number = self.l_api_init.get_max_number()
+        self.l_base_url = self.l_api_init.get_base_url()
+        self.l_base = self.l_api_init.get_base()
+        self.l_users = {}
+        self.l_counter = 0
+        self.l_token_key = ""
+    def set_max_number(self, max_number):
+        self.l_max_number = max_number
+    def set_min_number(self, min_number):
+        self.l_min_number = min_number
+    def get_max_number(self):
+        return self.l_max_number
+    def get_min_number(self):
+        return self.l_min_number
+    def create_users(self):
+        for n in range(self.l_min_number, self.l_max_number):
+            url = self.l_base_url + '/rest-auth/registration/'
+            login_data = {"username" : self.l_base + str(n), 
+                  "email": self.l_base + str(n) + "", 
+                  "password1": "bb140272!",
+                  "password2": "bb140272!"
+                 }
+            g_timeit.start("users")
+            resp = g_post(url, json=login_data, headers=[])
+            if g_check_status(resp):
+                self.l_users[n] = [self.l_base +str(n), self._get_key_from_resp(resp)]
+      "Key for user " + self.l_base + str(n) + ": " + self.l_users[n][1])
+                #print("User-Result: " + str(resp.__dict__))
+            g_timeit.end()
+    def get_user_and_login(self, i):
+        # The I can be much higher than our number of l_max_number
+        # if this is the case, then restart counting
+        if self.l_counter == 0:
+            l_i = i
+  "i = " + str(i) + " self.l_max_number = " + str(self.l_max_number) + 
+                                          " self.l_min_number = " + str(self.l_min_number) )
+            while l_i > ( self.l_max_number - self.l_min_number - 1):
+                l_i = l_i - ( self.l_max_number - self.l_min_number)
+            self.l_counter = self.l_counter + 1
+            self.l_token_key = self._login_(l_i)
+            return self.l_token_key
+        elif self.l_counter > 2:
+            self.l_counter = 0
+            return self.l_token_key
+        else:
+            self.l_counter += 1
+            return self.l_token_key
+    def _login_(self,i):
+        g_timeit.start("login")
+        url = self.l_base_url + '/rest-auth/login/'
+"login with Array position: " + str(i))
+        login_data = {"username" : self.l_users[i][0], "password" : "bb140272!"}
+        resp = g_post(url, json=login_data)
+        g_timeit.end()
+        if g_check_status(resp): 
+            l_token_key = self._get_key_from_resp(resp)
+            logger.debug("Logged in as: " + self.l_base + str(i))
+            return l_token_key
+        else:
+            logger.warn("Login not successful with: " + str(login_data))
+    def _get_key_from_resp(self, resp):
+        if resp.text == "dummy":   #When mocking the interface
+            l_token_key = "123456"
+        elif resp.json():
+            l_token_key = resp.json()["key"]
+        else:
+            l_token_key = None
+        return l_token_key
+    def import_users(self, l_csv):
+        self.l_users = []
+        l_i = 0
+        with, mode='r') as l_csvfile:
+            l_reader = csv.reader(l_csvfile)
+            for l_row in l_reader:
+                if "" in l_row[0]:
+                    self.l_users.append([l_row[0].split("")[0], ""])
+                    l_i += 1
+"File with Users Imported")
+"Imported: " + str(l_i) + " users from CSV-File " + l_csv)
+        if ( self.l_max_number - self.l_min_number ) > l_i:
+            self.l_max_number = self.l_min_number + l_i
+class api_product_full:
+    def __init__(self, l_number, api_init):
+        # uses the EAN-Code and the product API
+        #self.base = api_init.get_base()
+        self.number = l_number
+        self.ean_id = 0
+        self.product_id = 0
+        self.api_init = api_init
+    def get_id(self):
+        return self.number
+    def create_product(self):
+        # creates Barcode and Product
+        # create Barcode
+        l_ean = api_ean_code(self.number, api_init=self.api_init)
+        self.ean_id = l_ean.create()
+        l_product = api_product(self.number, api_init=self.api_init)
+        self.product_id  = l_product.create(self.ean_id)
+        for l_bom in range(0, g_random(1,4)):
+            api_bom(self.api_init, self.product_id, g_random(3,17), g_random(10,1000))
+    def read_server(self, id):
+        # Checks with this ID, whether a product exists @ server
+        g_timeit.start("Read_Product_ID")
+        l_url = self.api_init.get_base_url()
+        resp = g_get(l_url + '/scanapp/en-us/products/' + str(id) + "/", 
+                     headers=g_get_header(self.number) )
+        g_timeit.end()
+        l_boolean = g_check_status(resp)
+        if l_boolean:
+            logger.debug("Product found from server: " + str(id))
+            return True
+        else:
+            logger.debug("Product not found @ server: " + str(id))
+            return False
+    def recycle(self):
+        g_timeit.start("recycle")
+        recycle_data = {
+            "product": self.product_id
+            }
+        resp = g_post(self.api_init.get_base_url() +  '/scanapp/en-us/recycled/', 
+                      headers=g_get_header(self.number),
+                      json = recycle_data)
+        g_check_status(resp)
+        logger.debug("Recycled ID: " + str(self.product_id))
+        g_timeit.end()
+class api_statistics:
+    def __init__(self, l_api_init):
+        self.l_api_init = l_api_init
+    def get_statistics(self, l_who, l_duration):
+        if l_who == 1:
+            l_user = "me"
+        elif l_who == 2:
+            l_user = "all"
+        if l_duration == 1:
+            l_timeduration = "week"
+        elif l_duration == 2:
+            l_timeduration = "month"
+        elif l_duration == 3:
+            l_timeduration = "year"
+        self.querystring = "?weight_unit=1&user=" + l_user + "&duration=" + l_timeduration
+        g_timeit.start("statistics")
+        l_url = self.l_api_init.get_base_url() + '/scanapp/en-us/statistics/' + self.querystring
+        resp = g_get(l_url, headers=g_get_header(i))
+        if g_check_status(resp):
+            l_answer = resp.json()
+            logger.debug("Statistics for " + self.querystring + ":\n" + str(l_answer))  
+        self.answer = l_answer   
+        g_timeit.end()         
+class api_bom:
+    def __init__(self, l_api_init, l_product_id, l_packaging_material_type_id=3, l_weight=100, l_weight_unit=2):
+        g_timeit.start("BOM")
+        bom_data = {
+              "product": l_product_id,
+              "product_type": l_packaging_material_type_id,
+              "weight": l_weight,
+              "weight_unit": l_weight_unit
+              }   
+        resp = g_post(l_api_init.get_base_url() + '/scanapp/en-us/bom/', 
+                            headers=g_get_header(i), 
+                            json=bom_data)
+        if g_check_status(resp):
+            l_answer = resp.json()
+            logger.debug("BOM: " + str(i) + " " + str(l_answer))  
+            self.answer = l_answer     
+        else:
+            self.answer = "Error in API-Call"    
+        g_timeit.end()
+class api_ean_code:
+    def __init__(self, l_number, api_init):
+        self.number = l_number
+        self.l_api_init = api_init
+        self.l_base_url = self.l_api_init.get_base_url()
+        self.l_base = self.l_api_init.get_base()
+    def create(self):
+        g_timeit.start("ean")
+        url = self.l_base_url + '/scanapp/en-us/ean_codes/'
+        ean_data = {"barcode" : self.l_base + str(self.number),
+                "deleted" : "false"
+               }
+        resp = g_post(url, headers=g_get_header(self.number), json=ean_data)
+        g_timeit.end()
+        if g_check_status(resp):
+            l_answer = resp.json()
+            logger.debug(str(l_answer))
+            logger.debug("Barcode: " + str(self.number) + " Barcode-ID = " + str(l_answer["id"]) + " Answer = " + str(l_answer))   
+            return l_answer["id"]
+class api_product:
+    def __init__(self, l_number, api_init):
+        self.number = l_number
+        self.l_api_init = api_init
+        self.l_base_url = self.l_api_init.get_base_url()
+        self.l_base = self.l_api_init.get_base()        
+    def create(self, l_barcode_id):
+        g_timeit.start("products")
+        url = self.l_base_url + "/scanapp/en-us/products/"
+        product_data = {
+          "name": self.l_base + str(self.number),
+          "EAN_code": l_barcode_id,
+          "weight": 0,
+          "length": 0,
+          "width": 0,
+          "height": 0,
+          "is_generic": "false",
+          "deleted": "false",
+          "product_type": 1,
+          "weight_unit": 2
+          }
+        resp = g_post(url, headers=g_get_header(self.number), json=product_data)
+        g_timeit.end()
+        if g_check_status(resp):
+            l_answer = resp.json()
+            logger.debug("Product: " + str(self.number) + " " + str(l_answer))  
+            #x_result[i].append(l_answer["id"])
+            return l_answer["id"]     
+def g_random(l_min, l_max):
+    return randint(l_min, l_max)
+def get_proper_loglevel(loglevel):
+    if not loglevel:
+        return logging.INFO
+    if int(loglevel) == 2:
+        return logging.INFO
+    elif int(loglevel) == 4:
+        return logging.DEBUG
+    elif int(loglevel) == 3:
+        return logging.WARNING
+    elif int(loglevel) == 1:
+        return logging.ERROR
+    else:
+        return logging.INFO
+class gc_timeit:
+    def __init__(self, l_api_ini):
+        self.apis=[]
+        self.last_start = None
+        self.apiname = None
+        self.iterator = 0
+        self.api_ini = l_api_ini
+    def start(self,apiname):
+        self.last_start = timeit.default_timer()
+        self.apiname = apiname
+    def end(self):
+        l_time = timeit.default_timer() - self.last_start
+        self.apis.append([self.apiname,l_time])
+        self.iterator += 1
+        if self.iterator > 100:
+            self.iterator = 0
+            g_timeit.start("zzmakestastistic")
+            l_dict = self.__make_statistics()
+            g_timeit.end()
+            #print('\033[H\033[J')
+            l = os.system('cls')
+            print("Server: " + self.api_ini.get_base_url())
+            print("Computer: " + platform.uname()[1])
+            print("-------------------- Call duration --------- ")
+            print("API-Call        # of calls | # Avg  | Total ")
+            print("--------------------------------------------")
+            for l_key, l_value in sorted(l_dict.items()):
+                print
+                print(g_strformat(l_key,20) + 
+                            g_strformat(str(l_value[0]),6) + " | " +
+                            g_strformat(str(round(l_value[1],4)),6) + " | " + 
+                        g_strformat(str(round(l_value[2],4)),6)
+                        )
+    def __make_statistics(self):
+        l_dict = {}
+        for l_line in self.apis:
+            if l_line[0] in l_dict.keys():
+                l_dict[l_line[0]][0] = l_dict[l_line[0]][0] + 1
+                l_dict[l_line[0]][1] = l_dict[l_line[0]][1] + l_line[1]
+            else:
+                l_dict[l_line[0]] = [1, l_line[1]]
+                l_dict[l_line[0]][0] = 1
+                l_dict[l_line[0]][1] = l_line[1]
+        for l_key, l_value in l_dict.items():
+            l_total = l_value[1]
+            l_dict[l_key] = [l_value[0], l_value[1] / l_value[0], l_total]  
+        return l_dict      
+    def printreport(self):
+        l_dict = self.__make_statistics()
+"\n-------------------- Call duration ----------------- ")
+"Server: " + self.api_ini.get_base_url())
+"Computer: " + platform.uname()[1])
+"API-Call        # of calls | # Avg  | Total ")
+        for l_key, l_value in sorted(l_dict.items()):
+  ,20) + 
+                        g_strformat(str(l_value[0]),6) + " | " +
+                        g_strformat(str(round(l_value[1],4)),6) + " | " + 
+                        g_strformat(str(round(l_value[2],4)),6)
+                        )
+def g_strformat(l_string, l_length):
+    # returns a string in the length l_length
+    if len(l_string) > l_length:
+        return l_string[0:l_length]
+    else:
+        l_plus = "                                   "
+        return l_string + l_plus[0:l_length-len(l_string)]
+def g_logging_init():
+    # Bit more advanced logging:
+    logger = logging.getLogger('api_test')
+    l_log_filename = ( 'log_api_calls_'
+                      +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") + '.log' )
+    logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    # create file handler which logs even debug messages
+    fh = logging.FileHandler(l_log_filename, encoding = "UTF-8")
+    fh.setLevel(level=get_proper_loglevel(args_read("--ll")))
+    # create console handler with a higher log level
+    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+    ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+    # create formatter and add it to the handlers
+    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s _ %(levelname)s _ %(module)s _ %(funcName)s : %(message)s')
+    ch.setFormatter(formatter)
+    fh.setFormatter(formatter)
+    # add the handlers to logger
+    logger.addHandler(ch)
+    logger.addHandler(fh)
+    return logger
+    #logging.basicConfig(filename=l_log_filename, level=g_ini.get_value("LogLevel"))    
+# Her starts the program #########################################
+print_args() #Prints the instructions how to start the program
+logger = g_logging_init()
+#g_perf_trace = perf_trace()
+l_iteration = args_read("--products")
+if not l_iteration:
+    l_iteration = 100
+    l_iteration = int(l_iteration)"Products: " + str(l_iteration))
+l_users = args_read("--users")
+if not l_users:
+    l_users = 10
+    l_users = int(l_users)"Users: " + str(l_users))
+g_api_ini = api_init(min_number=1000, iteration=l_iteration) #Usually 1000 or 5000
+g_timeit = gc_timeit(g_api_ini) #Instanziate timer class
+# and some more initializations
+g_all_products = [] # Products
+g_api_statistics = api_statistics(g_api_ini) #Statistics
+g_users = api_user(g_api_ini)
+# create only e.g. 2 or 10 or whatever users for this run, independently of what was said in g_api_ini :
+g_users.set_max_number(g_api_ini.get_min_number()+l_users) #usually 100 or 1000
+g_mode = args_read("--mode")
+if not g_mode:
+    g_mode = "allnew"
+if g_mode == "allnew":
+    g_users.create_users()
+    for i in range(g_api_ini.get_min_number(), g_api_ini.get_max_number()):
+"Product # " + str(i))
+        # Create Product (under the logged in user)
+        g_api_product_full = api_product_full(i, g_api_ini)
+        g_api_product_full.create_product()
+        g_api_product_full.recycle()
+        g_all_products.append(g_api_product_full)
+        # All 20 entries request some statistics.
+        if divmod(i,10)[1] == 0:
+            g_api_statistics.get_statistics(g_random(1,2), g_random(1,3))
+    # Jetzt sollen noch jeder User jedes Produkt n mal recyclen:
+    for i in range(g_users.get_min_number(), g_users.get_max_number()):
+"Mass-Recycling of user " + str(i))
+        g_users._login_(i)
+        l_number_1 = g_random(g_api_ini.get_min_number(), g_api_ini.get_max_number())
+        l_number_2 = g_random(l_number_1, l_number_1+200)
+        if l_number_2 > g_api_ini.get_max_number():
+            l_number_2 = g_api_ini.get_max_number()
+        for n in range(l_number_1-g_api_ini.get_min_number(), l_number_2-g_api_ini.get_min_number()):
+            if divmod(n,10)[1] == 0:
+      "Mass-Recycling - items: " + str(n))
+                g_api_statistics.get_statistics(g_random(1,2), g_random(1,3))  
+            l_product = g_all_products[n]
+            l_product.recycle()      
+elif g_mode == "recycling":
+"Mode Recycling!")
+    g_users.import_users("auth_user.csv")
+    l_found_mat = 0
+    l_iterator = 0
+    l_not_found_counter = 0
+    l_endless_loop_counter = 0
+"Starting to find " +
+                 str(g_api_ini.get_max_number() - g_api_ini.get_min_number()) +
+                 " Products")
+    while l_found_mat <= ( g_api_ini.get_max_number() - g_api_ini.get_min_number() ):
+        # Brute-force getting material-IDs from database
+        l_iterator = l_iterator + g_random(1, 100)
+        l_product = api_product_full(l_iterator, g_api_ini)
+        l_ok_product = l_product.read_server(l_iterator)
+        if l_endless_loop_counter >= 5:
+            logger.error("Endless loop when trying to find materials. Exiting")
+            raise SystemExit()
+        if l_not_found_counter >= 5:
+            # If we didn't find a product after 5 tries
+            # we should reset the iterator.
+            l_iterator = 1
+            l_endless_loop_counter += 1
+        if l_ok_product:
+            l_found_mat += 1
+            l_not_found_counter = 0
+            l_endless_loop_counter = 0
+            g_all_products.append(l_product)
+  "Found existing product id " + str(l_product.get_id()))
+        else:
+            l_not_found_counter += 1
+    # Wonderful, we've found all the products we need, we've all the users.
+    # Now users will recycle
+    for i in range(0, (g_users.get_max_number() - g_users.get_min_number())):
+        g_users.get_user_and_login(i)
+"Daily Recycling for user " + str(i))
+        for n in range(0, (g_api_ini.get_max_number() - g_api_ini.get_min_number())):
+            l_product = g_all_products[n]
+            l_product.recycle()
+            logger.debug("Recycled " + str(l_product) + " for user " + str(i))
+    print("Mode unknown: " + g_mode)
+    SystemExit()
+############## Bulk Recycling ################################
+url = g_api_ini.get_base_url() + '/scanapp/en-us/bulk_recycling/'
+"Bulk-Recycling starts")
+for i in range(g_api_ini.get_min_number(), g_api_ini.get_max_number()):
+    if divmod(i,20)[1] == 0:
+"Bulk recycling - items: " + str(i))
+        g_api_statistics.get_statistics(g_random(1,2), g_random(1,3))  
+    g_timeit.start("bulk_recycling")
+    recycle_data = {"product_type" : g_random(3,17), "weight" : g_random(100,1000), "weight_unit" : g_random(1,2)}
+    resp = g_post(url, headers=g_get_header(i), json=recycle_data)
+    if g_check_status(resp):
+        l_answer = resp.json()
+        logger.debug(str(i) + " " + str(l_answer))
+    g_timeit.end()"Bulk-recycling ends")
+print("\nall done - Thanks")

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# -*- mode: python -*-
+block_cipher = None
+a = Analysis([''],
+             pathex=['c:\\cloudstation_earthsquad\\CloudStation\\pwa\\Testcases\\API\\ES_API_TEST\\pyAPITest'],
+             binaries=[],
+             datas=[],
+             hiddenimports=[],
+             hookspath=[],
+             runtime_hooks=[],
+             excludes=[],
+             win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
+             win_private_assemblies=False,
+             cipher=block_cipher)
+pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data,
+             cipher=block_cipher)
+exe = EXE(pyz,
+          a.scripts,
+          a.binaries,
+          a.zipfiles,
+          a.datas,
+          name='API_Calls',
+          debug=False,
+          strip=False,
+          upx=True,
+          runtime_tmpdir=None,
+          console=True )

+ 606 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+Created on 24.05.2018
+@author: Bernhard
+import requests
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from random import randint
+import cProfile, pstats
+from io import StringIO
+import logging
+import getopt
+import sys
+import timeit
+def args_read(l_search_parameter):
+    l_args = sys.argv[1:]
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(l_args,"u:p:s:l:",["users=",
+                                                    "products=", 
+                                                    "server=", 
+                                                    "ll=",
+                                                    ])
+    except getopt.GetoptError as err_det:
+        print ("Error in reading parameters:" + str(err_det))
+        print_args()
+        sys.exit("Abgebrochen wegen Fehler in Aufrufparametern")
+    if opts:
+        for opt, arg in opts:
+            if l_search_parameter == opt: #in ("-u", "--usage"):
+                return arg
+    return None
+def print_args():
+    print("""
+Call: python --parameters 
+       --users=<numeric> e.g. 10, 100, Default = 50
+       --products=<numeric> e.g. 1000, 5000. Default = 2000
+       --server="" Default = app.test
+       --ll=1..4 (1=Error, 2 = warning, 3 = info, 4 = debug. Default 1)
+ Suggested for standard use:
+   python --users=50 --products=1000
+   or in the EXE-Version: api_calls.exe --users=50 --products=1000
+        will create 50 users, 1000 products on app-test server
+class perf_trace:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__pr = ""
+    def perf_trace_start(self):
+        self.__pr = cProfile.Profile()
+        self.__pr.enable()  # start profiling       
+    def perf_trace_end(self):
+        self.__pr.disable()  # end profiling
+        s = StringIO()
+        sortby = 'cumulative'
+        ps = pstats.Stats(self.__pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby)
+        ps.print_stats()
+"Performance-Trace follows:\n" + s.getvalue())
+        #print(s.getvalue())
+def g_post(url, json="", headers=None):
+    if url[0] != "#":
+        if not headers:
+            resp =, json=json)
+        else:
+            resp =, headers=headers, json=json)
+    else:
+        resp = i_response()
+        resp.status_code = 201
+        l_json = {'key':12345, 'id':12345}
+        resp.set_json(l_json)
+    return resp
+def g_get(url, json=None, headers=None):
+    if url[0] != "#":
+        if not json:
+            resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
+        else:
+            resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers, json=json)
+    else:
+        resp = i_response()
+        resp.status_code = 201
+        l_json = {'key':12345, 'id':12345}
+        resp.set_json(l_json) 
+    return resp   
+class i_response:
+    # Class to buffer a response-object into
+    # internal formati
+    # so that we can mock response-object
+    status_code = None
+    text = None
+    def __init__(self, response=None):
+        if response:
+            self.__response = response
+            self.text = response.text
+        else:
+            self.__response = None
+            self.text = "dummy"
+        self.__json = None
+    def json(self):
+        if self.__response:
+            return self.__response.json()
+        else:
+            return self.__json
+    def set_json(self, l_json):
+        self.__json = l_json
+def g_check_status(resp):
+    if resp.status_code!=200 and resp.status_code != 201:
+        if resp.status_code == 400:
+            logger.debug(resp.status_code)
+            logger.debug(resp)
+            logger.debug(resp.__dict__)
+            return False
+        else:
+            return False        
+    else:
+        return True
+def g_get_header(i):
+    l_token_key = g_users.get_user_and_login(i)
+    if not l_token_key:
+        logger.critical("Token for user not recevied: " + str(i))
+        raise SystemExit()
+    headers={'x-geolocation-header': "1:1",
+         "authorization": "Token " + l_token_key,
+         "Content-Type": "application/json", 
+         "accept": "application/json"}    
+    return headers
+class api_init:
+    def __init__(self, min_number, iteration):
+        self.min_number = min_number
+        self.max_number = min_number + iteration
+        # BaseURL for API-Calls 
+        # Muss spaeter noch ersetzt werden - irgendwie aus INI-File ziehen oda so.
+        self.base_url = args_read("--server")
+        if not self.base_url:
+            self.base_url = "" 
+"Server: " + self.base_url)
+        # Basis for Barcodes, Usernames, Product-Texts, etc.
+        l_datetime =
+        self.base = str(l_datetime.month + + str(l_datetime.hour + l_datetime.minute) + str(l_datetime.second)
+        logger.debug("Base-String: " + self.base)
+    def set_base_url(self, base_url):
+        self.base_url = base_url
+    def get_min_number(self):
+        return self.min_number
+    def get_max_number(self):
+        return self.max_number
+    def get_base_url(self):
+        return self.base_url
+    def get_base(self):
+        return self.base
+class api_user:
+    # Creates a number of random users
+    def __init__(self, api_init):
+        self.l_api_init = api_init
+        self.l_min_number = self.l_api_init.get_min_number()
+        self.l_max_number = self.l_api_init.get_max_number()
+        self.l_base_url = self.l_api_init.get_base_url()
+        self.l_base = self.l_api_init.get_base()
+        self.l_users = {}
+        self.l_counter = 0
+        self.l_token_key = ""
+    def set_max_number(self, max_number):
+        self.l_max_number = max_number
+    def set_min_number(self, min_number):
+        self.l_min_number = min_number
+    def get_max_number(self):
+        return self.l_max_number
+    def get_min_number(self):
+        return self.l_min_number
+    def create_users(self):
+        for n in range(self.l_min_number, self.l_max_number):
+            url = self.l_base_url + '/rest-auth/registration/'
+            login_data = {"username" : self.l_base + str(n), 
+                  "email": self.l_base + str(n) + "", 
+                  "password1": "bb140272!",
+                  "password2": "bb140272!"
+                 }
+            g_timeit.start("users")
+            resp = g_post(url, json=login_data, headers=[])
+            if g_check_status(resp):
+                self.l_users[n] = self._get_key_from_resp(resp)
+      "Key for user " + self.l_base + str(n) + ": " + self.l_users[n][0])
+                #print("User-Result: " + str(resp.__dict__))
+            g_timeit.end()
+    def get_user_and_login(self, i):
+        # The I can be much higher than our number of l_max_number
+        # if this is the case, then restart counting
+        if self.l_counter == 0:
+            l_i = i
+            while l_i > ( self.l_max_number - 1):
+                l_i = l_i - ( self.l_max_number - self.l_min_number)
+            self.l_counter = self.l_counter + 1
+            self.l_token_key = self._login_(l_i)
+            return self.l_token_key
+        elif self.l_counter > 50:
+            self.l_counter = 0
+            return self.l_token_key
+        else:
+            self.l_counter += 1
+            return self.l_token_key
+    def _login_(self,i):
+        g_timeit.start("login")
+        url = self.l_base_url + '/rest-auth/login/'
+        login_data = {"username" : self.l_base + str(i), "password" : "bb140272!"}
+        resp = g_post(url, json=login_data)
+        g_timeit.end()
+        if g_check_status(resp): 
+            l_token_key = self._get_key_from_resp(resp)
+            logger.debug("Logged in as: " + self.l_base + str(i))
+            return l_token_key
+    def _get_key_from_resp(self, resp):
+        if resp.text == "dummy":   #When mocking the interface
+            l_token_key = "123456"
+        elif resp.json():
+            l_token_key = resp.json()["key"]
+        else:
+            l_token_key = None
+        return l_token_key
+class api_product_full:
+    def __init__(self, l_number, api_init):
+        # uses the EAN-Code and the product API
+        self.base = api_init.get_base()
+        self.number = l_number
+        self.ean_id = 0
+        self.product_id = 0
+        self.api_init = api_init
+    def create_product(self):
+        # creates Barcode and Product
+        # create Barcode
+        l_ean = api_ean_code(self.number, api_init=self.api_init)
+        self.ean_id = l_ean.create()
+        l_product = api_product(self.number, api_init=self.api_init)
+        self.product_id  = l_product.create(self.ean_id)
+        for l_bom in range(0, g_random(1,3)):
+            api_bom(self.api_init, self.product_id, g_random(1,17), g_random(10,1000))
+    def recycle(self):
+        g_timeit.start("recycle")
+        recycle_data = {
+            "product": self.product_id
+            }
+        resp = g_post(self.api_init.get_base_url() +  '/scanapp/en-us/recycled/', 
+                      headers=g_get_header(self.number),
+                      json = recycle_data)
+        g_check_status(resp)
+        logger.debug("Recycled ID: " + str(self.product_id))
+        g_timeit.end()
+class api_statistics:
+    def __init__(self, l_api_init):
+        self.l_api_init = l_api_init
+    def get_statistics(self, l_who, l_duration):
+        if l_who == 1:
+            l_user = "me"
+        elif l_who == 2:
+            l_user = "all"
+        if l_duration == 1:
+            l_timeduration = "week"
+        elif l_duration == 2:
+            l_timeduration = "month"
+        elif l_duration == 3:
+            l_timeduration = "year"
+        self.querystring = "?weight_unit=1&user=" + l_user + "&duration=" + l_timeduration
+        g_timeit.start("statistics")
+        l_url = self.l_api_init.get_base_url() + '/scanapp/en-us/statistics/' + self.querystring
+        resp = g_get(l_url, headers=g_get_header(i))
+        if g_check_status(resp):
+            l_answer = resp.json()
+            logger.debug("Statistics for " + self.querystring + ":\n" + str(l_answer))  
+        self.answer = l_answer   
+        g_timeit.end()         
+class api_bom:
+    def __init__(self, l_api_init, l_product_id, l_packaging_material_type_id=3, l_weight=100, l_weight_unit=2):
+        g_timeit.start("BOM")
+        bom_data = {
+              "product": l_product_id,
+              "product_type": l_packaging_material_type_id,
+              "weight": l_weight,
+              "weight_unit": l_weight_unit
+              }   
+        resp = g_post(l_api_init.get_base_url() + '/scanapp/en-us/bom/', 
+                            headers=g_get_header(i), 
+                            json=bom_data)
+        if g_check_status(resp):
+            l_answer = resp.json()
+            logger.debug("BOM: " + str(i) + " " + str(l_answer))  
+            self.answer = l_answer     
+        else:
+            self.answer = "Error in API-Call"    
+        g_timeit.end()
+class api_ean_code:
+    def __init__(self, l_number, api_init):
+        self.number = l_number
+        self.l_api_init = api_init
+        self.l_base_url = self.l_api_init.get_base_url()
+        self.l_base = self.l_api_init.get_base()
+    def create(self):
+        g_timeit.start("ean")
+        url = self.l_base_url + '/scanapp/en-us/ean_codes/'
+        ean_data = {"barcode" : self.l_base + str(self.number),
+                "deleted" : "false"
+               }
+        resp = g_post(url, headers=g_get_header(self.number), json=ean_data)
+        g_timeit.end()
+        if g_check_status(resp):
+            l_answer = resp.json()
+            logger.debug(str(l_answer))
+            logger.debug("Barcode: " + str(self.number) + " Barcode-ID = " + str(l_answer["id"]) + " Answer = " + str(l_answer))   
+            return l_answer["id"]
+class api_product:
+    def __init__(self, l_number, api_init):
+        self.number = l_number
+        self.l_api_init = api_init
+        self.l_base_url = self.l_api_init.get_base_url()
+        self.l_base = self.l_api_init.get_base()        
+    def create(self, l_barcode_id):
+        g_timeit.start("products")
+        url = self.l_base_url + "/scanapp/en-us/products/"
+        product_data = {
+          "name": self.l_base + str(self.number),
+          "EAN_code": l_barcode_id,
+          "weight": 0,
+          "length": 0,
+          "width": 0,
+          "height": 0,
+          "is_generic": "false",
+          "deleted": "false",
+          "product_type": 1,
+          "weight_unit": 2
+          }
+        resp = g_post(url, headers=g_get_header(self.number), json=product_data)
+        g_timeit.end()
+        if g_check_status(resp):
+            l_answer = resp.json()
+            logger.debug("Product: " + str(self.number) + " " + str(l_answer))  
+            #x_result[i].append(l_answer["id"])
+            return l_answer["id"]     
+def g_random(l_min, l_max):
+    return randint(l_min, l_max)
+def get_proper_loglevel(loglevel):
+    if loglevel == 2:
+        return logging.INFO
+    elif loglevel == 4:
+        return logging.DEBUG
+    elif loglevel == 3:
+        return logging.WARNING
+    elif loglevel == 1:
+        return logging.ERROR
+    else:
+        return logging.INFO
+class gc_timeit:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.apis=[]
+        self.last_start = None
+        self.apiname = None
+        self.iterator = 0
+    def start(self,apiname):
+        self.last_start = timeit.default_timer()
+        self.apiname = apiname
+    def end(self):
+        l_time = timeit.default_timer() - self.last_start
+        self.apis.append([self.apiname,l_time])
+        self.iterator += 1
+        if self.iterator > 100:
+            self.iterator = 0
+            g_timeit.start("zzmakestastistic")
+            l_dict = self.__make_statistics()
+            g_timeit.end()
+            print("\n-------------------- Call duration ----------------- ")
+            print("API-Call        # of calls | # Avg  | Total ")
+            print("--------------------------------------------")
+            for l_key, l_value in sorted(l_dict.items()):
+                print
+                print(g_strformat(l_key,20) + 
+                            g_strformat(str(l_value[0]),6) + " | " +
+                            g_strformat(str(round(l_value[1],4)),6) + " | " + 
+                        g_strformat(str(round(l_value[2],4)),6)
+                        )
+    def __make_statistics(self):
+        l_dict = {}
+        for l_line in self.apis:
+            if l_line[0] in l_dict.keys():
+                l_dict[l_line[0]][0] = l_dict[l_line[0]][0] + 1
+                l_dict[l_line[0]][1] = l_dict[l_line[0]][1] + l_line[1]
+            else:
+                l_dict[l_line[0]] = [1, l_line[1]]
+                l_dict[l_line[0]][0] = 1
+                l_dict[l_line[0]][1] = l_line[1]
+        for l_key, l_value in l_dict.items():
+            l_total = l_value[1]
+            l_dict[l_key] = [l_value[0], l_value[1] / l_value[0], l_total]  
+        return l_dict      
+    def printreport(self):
+        l_dict = self.__make_statistics()
+        for l_line in self.apis:
+            if l_line[0] in l_dict.keys():
+                l_dict[l_line[0]][0] = l_dict[l_line[0]][0] + 1
+                l_dict[l_line[0]][1] = l_dict[l_line[0]][1] + l_line[1]
+            else:
+                l_dict[l_line[0]] = [1, l_line[1]]
+                l_dict[l_line[0]][0] = 1
+                l_dict[l_line[0]][1] = l_line[1]
+        for l_key, l_value in l_dict.items():
+            l_total = l_value[1]
+            l_dict[l_key] = [l_value[0], l_value[1] / l_value[0], l_total]
+"\n-------------------- Call duration ----------------- ")
+"API-Call        # of calls | # Avg  | Total ")
+        for l_key, l_value in sorted(l_dict.items()):
+  ,20) + 
+                        g_strformat(str(l_value[0]),6) + " | " +
+                        g_strformat(str(round(l_value[1],4)),6) + " | " + 
+                        g_strformat(str(round(l_value[2],4)),6)
+                        )
+def g_strformat(l_string, l_length):
+    # returns a string in the length l_length
+    if len(l_string) > l_length:
+        return l_string[0:l_length]
+    else:
+        l_plus = "                                   "
+        return l_string + l_plus[0:l_length-len(l_string)]
+# Her starts the program #########################################
+print_args() #Prints the instructions how to start the program
+#g_perf_trace = perf_trace()
+g_timeit = gc_timeit()
+l_log_filename = ( 'log_api_calls_'
+                  +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") + '.log' )
+# Bit more advanced logging:
+logger = logging.getLogger('api_test')
+# create file handler which logs even debug messages
+fh = logging.FileHandler(l_log_filename, encoding = "UTF-8")
+# create console handler with a higher log level
+ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+# create formatter and add it to the handlers
+formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s _ %(levelname)s _ %(module)s _ %(funcName)s : %(message)s')
+# add the handlers to logger
+#logging.basicConfig(filename=l_log_filename, level=g_ini.get_value("LogLevel"))
+l_iteration = args_read("--products")
+if not l_iteration:
+    l_iteration = 4000
+    l_iteration = int(l_iteration)"Products: " + str(l_iteration))
+l_users = args_read("--users")
+if not l_users:
+    l_users = 500
+    l_users = int(l_users)"Users: " + str(l_users))
+#base_url = "#"           
+g_api_ini = api_init(min_number=1000, iteration=l_iteration) #Usually 1000 or 5000
+g_users = api_user(g_api_ini)
+# create only e.g. 2 or 10 or whatever users for this run, independently of what was said in g_api_ini :
+g_users.set_max_number(g_api_ini.get_min_number()+l_users) #usually 100 or 1000
+g_all_products = []
+g_api_statistics = api_statistics(g_api_ini)
+for i in range(g_api_ini.get_min_number(), g_api_ini.get_max_number()):
+"Product # " + str(i))
+    # Login User
+    # g_users.login(i) --> Wird im g_get_header gemacht
+    # Create Product (under the logged in user)
+    g_api_product_full = api_product_full(i, g_api_ini)
+    g_api_product_full.create_product()
+    g_api_product_full.recycle()
+    g_all_products.append(g_api_product_full)
+    # All 20 entries request some statistics.
+    if divmod(i,10)[1] == 0:
+        g_api_statistics.get_statistics(g_random(1,2), g_random(1,3))
+# Jetzt sollen noch jeder User jedes Produkt n mal recyclen:
+for i in range(g_users.get_min_number(), g_users.get_max_number()):
+"Mass-Recycling of user " + str(i))
+    g_users._login_(i)
+    l_number_1 = g_random(g_api_ini.get_min_number(), g_api_ini.get_max_number())
+    l_number_2 = g_random(l_number_1, l_number_1+200)
+    if l_number_2 > g_api_ini.get_max_number():
+        l_number_2 = g_api_ini.get_max_number()
+    for n in range(l_number_1-g_api_ini.get_min_number(), l_number_2-g_api_ini.get_min_number()):
+        if divmod(n,10)[1] == 0:
+  "Mass-Recycling - items: " + str(n))
+            g_api_statistics.get_statistics(g_random(1,2), g_random(1,3))  
+        l_product = g_all_products[n]
+        l_product.recycle()      
+    #for l_product in g_all_products:
+    #    if divmod(i,20) == 0:
+    #"Mass-Recycling - items: " + str(i))
+    #       g_api_statistics.get_statistics(g_random(1,2), g_random(1,3))
+    #    l_product.recycle()
+############## Bulk Recycling ################################
+url = g_api_ini.get_base_url() + '/scanapp/en-us/bulk_recycling/'
+"Bulk-Recycling starts")
+for i in range(g_api_ini.get_min_number(), g_api_ini.get_max_number()):
+    if divmod(i,20)[1] == 0:
+"Bulk recycling - items: " + str(i))
+        g_api_statistics.get_statistics(g_random(1,2), g_random(1,3))  
+    g_timeit.start("bulk_recycling")
+    recycle_data = {"product_type" : g_random(1,17), "weight" : g_random(100,1000), "weight_unit" : g_random(1,2)}
+    resp = g_post(url, headers=g_get_header(i), json=recycle_data)
+    if g_check_status(resp):
+        l_answer = resp.json()
+        logger.debug(str(i) + " " + str(l_answer))
+    g_timeit.end()"Bulk-recycling ends")
+print("\nall done - Thanks")

+ 0 - 0

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# -*- mode: python -*-
+block_cipher = None
+a = Analysis([''],
+             pathex=['c:\\cloudstation_earthsquad\\CloudStation\\pwa\\Testcases\\API\\ES_API_TEST\\pyAPITest'],
+             binaries=[],
+             datas=[],
+             hiddenimports=[],
+             hookspath=[],
+             runtime_hooks=[],
+             excludes=[],
+             win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
+             win_private_assemblies=False,
+             cipher=block_cipher)
+pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data,
+             cipher=block_cipher)
+exe = EXE(pyz,
+          a.scripts,
+          a.binaries,
+          a.zipfiles,
+          a.datas,
+          name='api_calls_mysql_short.exe',
+          debug=False,
+          strip=False,
+          upx=True,
+          runtime_tmpdir=None,
+          console=True )

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# -*- mode: python -*-
+block_cipher = None
+a = Analysis([''],
+             pathex=['c:\\cloudstation_earthsquad\\CloudStation\\pwa\\Testcases\\API\\ES_API_TEST\\pyAPITest'],
+             binaries=[],
+             datas=[],
+             hiddenimports=[],
+             hookspath=[],
+             runtime_hooks=[],
+             excludes=[],
+             win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
+             win_private_assemblies=False,
+             cipher=block_cipher)
+pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data,
+             cipher=block_cipher)
+exe = EXE(pyz,
+          a.scripts,
+          a.binaries,
+          a.zipfiles,
+          a.datas,
+          name='api_calls_new.exe',
+          debug=False,
+          strip=False,
+          upx=True,
+          runtime_tmpdir=None,
+          console=True )

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# -*- mode: python -*-
+block_cipher = None
+a = Analysis([''],
+             pathex=['C:\\Users\\Bernhard\\cs_earthsquad\\CloudStation\\pwa\\Testcases\\API\\ES_API_TEST\\pyAPITest'],
+             binaries=[],
+             datas=[],
+             hiddenimports=[],
+             hookspath=[],
+             runtime_hooks=[],
+             excludes=[],
+             win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
+             win_private_assemblies=False,
+             cipher=block_cipher)
+pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data,
+             cipher=block_cipher)
+exe = EXE(pyz,
+          a.scripts,
+          a.binaries,
+          a.zipfiles,
+          a.datas,
+          name='api_calls_postgres.exe',
+          debug=False,
+          strip=False,
+          upx=True,
+          runtime_tmpdir=None,
+          console=True )

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+api_calls.exe --users=10 --products=100 --server=

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+api_calls.exe --users=100 --products=1000 --server=

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+api_calls.exe --users=2 --products=10 --server=

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+api_calls.exe --users=100 --products=1000 --server=


+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Created on 24.05.2018
+@author: Bernhard
+import logging
+class ini_contents:
+    def __init__(self, usage=None):
+        #print ("Init im ini_contents aufgetreten. Usage ist:" + usage)
+        #traceback.print_stack()
+        if usage is None:
+            self.__usage = "test" #"prod" or "test"
+        else:
+            self.__usage = usage
+        self.__attribs = {}
+        self.__open_ini()
+    def __open_ini(self):
+        if self.__usage == "prod":
+            l_file = "init.ini"
+            self.__attribs["USAGE"] = "PROD"
+        else:
+            l_file = "init_test.ini"
+            self.__attribs["USAGE"] = "TEST"
+        with (open(l_file, "r")) as l_file:
+            for l_line in l_file.readlines():
+                # Kommentare ignorieren:
+                if len(l_line.strip()) == 0:
+                    continue
+                if l_line[0] != "#":
+                    l_line = l_line.strip()
+                    self.__attribs[l_line.split("=")[0]] = l_line.split("=")[1]
+            if "LogLevel" in self.__attribs:
+                self.__attribs["LogLevel"] = self.__get_proper_loglevel(self.__attribs["LogLevel"])
+            else:
+                self.__attribs["LogLevel"] = self.__get_proper_loglevel("INFO")
+    def __get_proper_loglevel(self, loglevel):
+        if loglevel == "INFO":
+            return logging.INFO
+        elif loglevel == "DEBUG":
+            return logging.DEBUG
+        elif loglevel == "WARNING":
+            return logging.WARNING
+        elif loglevel == "ERROR":
+            return logging.ERROR
+        else:
+            return logging.INFO
+    def get_value(self, key_for_value):
+        return (self.__attribs[key_for_value])

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+pyinstaller --onefile -n api_calls.exe