common.variables.styl 842 B

  1. // App Shared Variables
  2. // --------------------------------------------------
  3. // To customize the look and feel of this app, you can override
  4. // the Stylus variables found in Quasar's source Stylus files. Setting
  5. // variables before Quasar's Stylus will use these variables rather than
  6. // Quasar's default Stylus variable values. Stylus variables specific
  7. // to the themes belong in either the variables.ios.styl or variables.mat.styl files.
  8. // Check documentation for full list of Quasar variables
  9. // App Shared Color Variables
  10. // --------------------------------------------------
  11. // It's highly recommended to change the default colors
  12. // to match your app's branding.
  13. $primary = #027be3
  14. $secondary = #26A69A
  15. $tertiary = #555
  16. $neutral = #E0E1E2
  17. $positive = #21BA45
  18. $negative = #DB2828
  19. $info = #31CCEC
  20. $warning = #F2C037